Is Side Deal a scam or a legit company?

asked by Jennifer L. on 12/12/22

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user readnjg

Completely legitimate. A division of Mediocre which is also the name behind Meh, and Morning Save which works with major TV programs as partners.

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Thumbnail of user rosemariej59

Side Deal seems to be a legitimate company, and I was happy with them until I wasn't.

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Thumbnail of user blovesnature

I have had nothing but a great experience from this site. Have probably bought 6 to 7 things. One didn't work and I emailed them. In less than several hours they had already refunded my money's and did not require me to send back the damaged item. I feel they are very legitimate.

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Thumbnail of user boinkusp

Totally legit company. And, also, one of the better in the category of online wholesalers. They actually have responsive and helpful customer service, unlike a lot of others that are just trying to trick people into buying crap they can't return or get refunded for.

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Thumbnail of user davidg5462

Scam. You pay for what you DONT get

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