Hello Society6... I have two shops with your service, but am very frustrated because it takes so long to get a response when I ask a question. You really need to have a contact phone number so we can speak with a person if we have questions! I just uploaded two pieces into my shop - Petunchkin designs - and am wondering why they are not appearing in my shop or coming up in the most direct search? Are you having technical difficulties? How long does it take before I should see an uploaded piece appear in my shop or come up in a search?

asked by Leah F. on 3/1/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user builla

I'm really sorry that you have not received a response back from us. We respond to emails within 24 hours, so you definitely should have received a reply back from us within that time. Please check your SPAM or JUNK folder if you've already sent a ticket to us.

In regards to delays in the upload process, I would recommend that you check with our Customer Support team for more information. Our team can be contacted here: https://society6.com/help/contact

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Thumbnail of user scotta44

Not an answer, but... I just had an issue where a piece randomly disappeared from my shop and googled to see if any other artists had this issue. It was there last night ( I even had a notification that someone promoted it) and gone this morning.?

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