StartPage Questions & Answers

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11 questions answered
0% answered in 1 day

Once you do a search in startpage and you find what you are looking for, when you click on the found site, do you leave startpage at that point? in other words, do you lose your privacy at that point?


When you use StartPage, we do not record your IP address, we do not record which browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.), we do not record your computer platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.), and we do not record the words or phrases you searched for. However, once you leave StartPage, by clicking on a search result you can be seen, recorded, and tracked by all of the websites you visit, plus you can be seen and targeted by all of their advertising and marketing partners and affiliates. StartPage does offer a very useful tool to protect your privacy even when you leave our website. If you are performing a particularly private or sensitive search and you do not wish for your visit to a third-party website be tracked, you can use the StartPage Proxy (shown next to each search result). The Proxy allows you to visit third-party websites through StartPage without anyone, including the website and its advertising partners, seeing you. Our proxy service is unique, and the privacy protection it provides is not available through any other search engine.

By Damayanthi J.
See more answers (2)

Can i change the background to ixquick?


How can I answer, if I put that question? It is totally absurde

By Gabriel B.
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How do the features compare and contrast with those of duckduckgo? why use ixq over ddg?


There is a recent article out that compares StartPage with DuckDuckGo that you might find helpful: In addition, we just published an article thanking for naming StartPage a recommended search engine. This article lists some of the important features we offer:

By Ixquick S.
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Why won't startpage allow me to restore my previous session? it's a bloody disaster!


Hi Gordon. You can save previous search sessions by changing from POST to GET in the Startpage Settings. Startpage defaults to "POST" for extra privacy. Here's more on POST vs. GET: Hope this helps! For more information on this or for help with the Settings, feel free to email our Support Team: Thank you for caring about privacy.

By StartPage S.

Start page still calls all the third party urls like from its search page which track me, getting around privacy, making it useless.


Hi Steve. Startpage does NOT use doubleclick or any 3rd party tracking services. Please contact our Support Team so we can investigate. It's possible that you have a virus. Here's the email address: Thank you for caring about privacy!

By StartPage S.

I want the non-google search engine, but when i try to go to ixquick, i get startpage - the google search engine.


Hi. Ixquick merged with in April 2018. Here is a Knowledgebase article that provides more detail: Thank you for caring about privacy!

By Ixquick S.

How do i remove all cookies that are stored on my computer before i started using ixquick


Hi Peter. The answer depends upon the browser you are using. Browsers like Firefox by Mozilla have "Add-ons" that can remove regular cookies, as well as persistent cookies. Most browsers have forums where you can get help with these kinds of tools. You might also visit the privacy-focused to see its list of recommended options. Ixquick never sets tracking cookies and does not log any user personal information, by the way. Thank you for your question. Hope this helps!

By Ixquick S.

I was wondering if i log onto ixquick while using firefox or explorer, if the info is still being watched by them?


Hi Gordon, whether your browser is saving or watching what you're doing online, depends on the browser you're using. Your browser may retain a history of your visits and terms entered into form fields. Unfortunately, StartPage is not in a position to give any guarantees on what browsers store. It may be helpful to visit their private browsing/ anonymous information pages, and see what exactly it is they store. It would also help to define what exactly it is you wish to protect, i. E., search history, what you type into a field, where you browse, etc. - this will help you research the best way to protect yourself using a given browser. Hope this helps!

By Ixquick S.

My friend said the directions are wrong. albert wants to make it his home page. im going to try


To easily add StartPage as your homepage, please click on the "Set as Home" botton right underneath the search box, and follow the directions.

By Damayanthi J.

Also even if the searches are anonamously routed, if i sign into my facebook wont it be obvious that the rout you provided is for the user who always signs on?


I'm not sure what you mean by this question, but I'm sure it has more to do with how Facebook integrations work than Startpage.

By Andrew C.

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