asked by
on 6/6/16When you use StartPage, we do not record your IP address, we do not record which browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.), we do not record your computer platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.), and we do not record the words or phrases you searched for.
However, once you leave StartPage, by clicking on a search result you can be seen, recorded, and tracked by all of the websites you visit, plus you can be seen and targeted by all of their advertising and marketing partners and affiliates.
StartPage does offer a very useful tool to protect your privacy even when you leave our website. If you are performing a particularly private or sensitive search and you do not wish for your visit to a third-party website be tracked, you can use the StartPage Proxy (shown next to each search result). The Proxy allows you to visit third-party websites through StartPage without anyone, including the website and its advertising partners, seeing you.
Our proxy service is unique, and the privacy protection it provides is not available through any other search engine.