i want to book ticket from ireland to india.
student universe is offering tickets at a cheaper rate
is this company reliable?

asked by priyanshi m. on 11/17/17

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user daniellem21

Priyanshi, yes, millions of students book their airline tickets through StudentUniverse every year! The reason our flight prices are so much cheaper than what you see on other sites is because airlines give us discounted product specifically to sell to students and youth. Students are verified as part of the process of creating a free account (it just takes a few minutes) and then can see all the discounted flights they qualify to buy. If you have any other specific questions, we'd be happy to help!

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Thumbnail of user victorb130

No. This is a scam operation buyer beware. They just want your money and they dont care about what happen after that. If you dont want to lose so stay away from this cheater.

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