do you mail the gift cards or do I get them off line?

asked by Richard S. on 11/29/18

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user loriw158

Either way. Some gift cards are physical cards and are mailed and some are online.

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Thumbnail of user treasias

They are e gift cards. They do not mail a hard copy. But if I don't want to order something online I take a picture of the gift card and they simply scan the barcode in store

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Thumbnail of user jessicam1012

You can get digital. Even better. Quicker and cheaper

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Thumbnail of user catinah4

I have gotten mine online. They go into virtual wallet after you verify. I prefer this method for less wait time and if they mail them you lose like 5 bucks on every 25 dollar card.

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Thumbnail of user junel62

All gift cards I've gotten were e-cards received in my email within a few days of redemption. I. e. Amazon gift cards come with a code you redeem online

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