how long do you have to wait for the money ? and how well do they pay

asked by Nahsir T. on 8/6/17

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user lucyn57

Many giftcards are sent electronically. Some are within a few hours, others can take a few days. How well they pay depends on which activity you're referring to and also how much time and effort you devote to earning. Some activities are USELESS, like watching videos - you watch 15 30-second videos and are only paid 2SB, the equivalent of 2¢. For 7.5mins, that's asinine! However, some of the activities, like the surveys, in-store shopping/receipt upload and games (such as Swago) can offer a great bonus here and there.

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Thumbnail of user rjh21

Depends on how often you keep up with it (its very easy) and it hasnt taken more then a few days each time i cashed out

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Thumbnail of user dominadorc

Upon VERIFICATION. Won't take much, so follow instructions as stated.

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Thumbnail of user junel62

I generally have my payout deposited to my paypal account within a few days after redeeming my reward

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