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Why is my Gold surveys suspended and why dont you reply to my emails to your cstomer support
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Guy M.
on 11/15/21
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Hi, why is your fucking site so fucking shitty?
I haven't received my payment yet in my paypal account
Why is it that when I go to sign up, my email address is "not allowed"?
What percentage of sale of card goes to the seller?
How does a company funded like yours not afford to actually send people their money?? instead of making them create an online wallet which don't work
I can not get the mobile videos to work anymore have you quit using them? Also I usually don't qualify for the videos or when I submit to complete it
What do I need to get a gift card?
how do you obtain the giftcards
can you earn real money or is it just gift cards
how can I be part of swagbuck
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