Hi My order has simply not shown up and I have contacted "Swimsuits for all" three times on line and they are not answering my questions.. I either get a generic reply which is not giving me an answer, or no reply at all. What can I do to get an answer??
Asked by Libby K. on 6/5/2017
1 Answer
Julie D.6/5/2017
Send a PRINTED LETTER WITH BLUE INK SIGNATURE, send SIGNATURE REQUIRED VIA UPS OR POST OFFICE to the corporate address on web site. THIS STARTS A LEGAL FILE! Emails do not! Just give facts, order date, items ordered, customer service conversations (or lack of) and then circumstance. Leave out emotional stuff. Ok to state frustration. Make at least 3 copies of your letter for legal file. Make sure all your contact info is included, except email. Request all responses by mail. Good luck
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