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Questions & Answers

When you ask her for help on things does it come true

Asked by mary f. on 12/20/2015

6 Answers
Carol A.12/22/2015

No it does not
Christine A.12/21/2015

Not even close to it coming true.
Pan y.1/21/2016

If you want real answers or need immediate help, it is best to see someone personally. Check reviews of those in your area and seek the knowledge and advice of someone that has been trained to deal with situations in a private setting, as it should be. A fee will be charged but it is far less expense than sending money to a picture on a website and receiving a vague email in response. I hope you receive the help you need.
tony t.12/29/2015

I haven't felt anything but u have to believe I guess it's like Jesus, maby she's the devils aid... she knows about my shitty luck n tells me about the sour events taking place n how she can fix everything n then I'll be rich as fuck... not I don't believe in this stuff I believe you make your own luck in life
L J.12/24/2015

She does refund and she does help but keeps asking for more money, hope she doesn't see or read this.
Fred A.12/24/2015

Not so far. She told me I would win a lot of money in the next 30 days stating from 28th Dec. 15. Hope she is right and I will let you know, Merry Xmas and happy New Year.

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