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How do I return my order for a smaller size?
asked by
Shawn B.
on 3/11/24
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HI. Can you provide me with a phone number so that may speak to a customer service rep.?
Hi I ordered 3 items of clothing is different colours and received all 3 in the same colour black how do I return it
Hi, on 5-2-2024 I placed an order with Tamu. $15.37 was charged to my bank account on the same day. I have yet to receive my two Items,
Is Temu shopping online not a scam
I have a outside light ordered sometime last year,want to plug back into outdoor socket again. What do I do?
How long did it take for items to come in?
I got a notafication that my package went to the wrong adrees and i was wandering if i could still get my package
I'm having a difficult in feeling the form to buy.when it comes to Province it doesn't take Eastern Cape and City ad well.what should I do?PAM.MOLEFE
Cart $ B4 tax $180.67. Temu overcharge $35! I have many items checked math 3X! Cart links to many seller' Special Sale so who & how Temu up price?
Hi, will all my order come in same day with the others after l've cleared off payment from my klarna account?
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