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Do I need to become a member to make a return online from Australia to the US?
asked by
Ev E.
on 5/15/22
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Got banned and blocked from TRR for untrue reason. I defended myself but wasn't heard. Will they ever give me my account back?
Got banned and blocked from TRR for untrue reason. I defended myself but wasn't heard. Will they ever give me my account back?
What are trending nowadyas?
Is there a return fee if I pay for my own shipping label?
Are your customer service responses auto delivered? Do you hire the handicapped to measure? Are they colorblind? Trouble with reading comprehension?
Is this company a good deal for sellers?
I want to continue shopping but my card got declined because I requested a refund through PayPal
Why do people get blocked when refunds are asked through PayPal and card declined
I'm trying to buy a bag, I'm from canada, is the price that show Canadian Dollar? And had a tax on it?
Item # CHA442647 NOT a dress, this is a skirt! LOUSY listing. INCOMPETENCE. How does one buy this skirt? Listed as w/TEAR dress $525! W/ 20% off.
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