TopCV is charging $189 to write my CV, is it worth the money ? i can see mixed reactions on TopCV reviews by customers, so unable to decide !!

asked by Ashwin A. on 8/13/18

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user meenap12

Don't do it as they assign non professionals who can't even spell.

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Thumbnail of user anishbabus

The company is a scam, and responds variably to different customers. I actually rang them to find out why they hadn't acknowledged my requests after charging me nearly €300 - they're not even based in the UK. Their people can't speak English and they charged me €75 for cancelling my order - well, first they said €75, and today they said they're taking €100 - just a bunch of extortionist bullies... and yes, I lost my cash plus there's the opportunity cost and the mental anguish.

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Thumbnail of user tobyc70

Don't do it! Written by AI probably in China. Wasted my money, don't waste yours.

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Thumbnail of user yolandad34

Definitively no. It is a waste of your money. I would not recommend it

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Thumbnail of user tonyf148

Save your money, they don't deliver anything near what they promise

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