Is UPrinting a scam or a legit company?

asked by Tom D. on 3/20/19

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user sarahw2006

No, not a scam. However, they're just not a very good company.

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Thumbnail of user lamas3

Not at all. I did a thorough research before ordering. They had an issue with my order so the next day they called and left a voicemail and sent me both a text message and an email. They are the best company I worked with for my business so far

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Thumbnail of user curlethias

Legitimate company. I would recommend this company to other businesses.

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Thumbnail of user irviar1

I have no reason to believe that they are a "scam". They took my payment and provided a product as I had expected. They seem 100% legit.

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Thumbnail of user milesb41

We are absolutely 100% legit! Check out your printing options at If you have any questions, feel free to open a live chat session or give us a call at 888-888-4211.

Have a great rest of your day, and thank you for your interest in UPrinting! - Customer Care

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Thumbnail of user sarahl515

Legit! Very happy with them! I was weary from reviews online, but I decided to give them a shot. Happy with the product.

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