Sipping is too expensive--any discounts to help with a small order?

asked by claire m. on 10/30/19

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user lamas3

No discount and yes shipping was expensive but the overall experience and service was so worth it

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Thumbnail of user milesb41

Hi Claire. Thank you for your question. For all available discounts, please contact our customer care team.

To reduce overall costs on your orders with us, consider the following options.

1. Print your order on the longest possible printing turnaround. Longer printing turnarounds cost less to print.

2. If possible, ship your order through one of our "snail mail" shipping options. Whenever you're ready to place your next order, if you're not seeing these options at checkout, feel free to contact our customer care team to see if your order qualifies for one of these shipping methods.

3. Ship your order through your own carrier account. Whenever you're ready to place your next order, feel free to contact our customer care team with your account number and billing zip code.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to open a live chat session or call us at 888-888-4211. Thank you for your interest in UPrinting!


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