Questions & Answers

Why does Walmart receives so many bad reviews, inside of stores an as well online?

Asked by Dchele R. on 8/27/2019

5 Answers
cynthia m.6/29/2023

Prices are Horrible, you are stopped and accused of stealing at the door. Prices go up every singe week all over the store. Evil walmart Greed.
Tracy M.12/21/2021

Because they have shitty customer service. You must have dealt with them at one point or another. Shame on wal-mart.
Miss E.10/30/2021

On clothing it is because they buy from China and the sizes are ALWAYS wrong! Why would a store continue to do business with those companies. They won't change sizes when working with counties that are not tiny people?
keith m.12/1/2019

Not sure. It worked fine for me. Then again this was my first order.
Michelle S.10/7/2019

I really can't imagine why. Law of averages maybe? I mean there are thousands of Walmarts. How many times a week does the average person go to walmart? I used to go 2 or 3 times at least. How many times did I post a positive review?... Well never lol. Going to Walmart has become so much a part of our daily routine that we don't even think about it, but let one bad thing happen and the average person is going to talk about it on FB or post a bad review. So I think that's probably the reason.

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