Abdecal is a website for ordering vinyl decals and signs. They show they are owned by Knight Signs. The first thing to be aware of is the is no valid reach number on the website. There is a link to the Better Business Bureau in Dayton for the business telephone number but it is never answered. Email is only input through the website and is never answered. The chat interface on its website so you can talk to someone is not working. I made a very simple purchase for two decals and paid through my PayPal account on 2/26/2014. I received a email indicating they got the money and the order had upgraded to Fufillment. That is the last email I received from them keeping me in the loop on the order. By 3/6/2014 I had already attempted to contact the vendor through the website but they did not respond. After many more attempts on 2/10/2014 I contacted PayPal. Within 15 minutes I got a spoof page from abdecals that looked like a PayPal communication advising me my money was refunded. The money was not refunded. I continued to try to conatct the vendor-Nothing. On 3/13/2014 I contacted Paypal and was advised that no vendor refund was reorted so I sent them the spoof emai from abdecal showing it refunded on the 3/10/2014. PayPal elevated the level of investigation and on the afternoon of 3/13/2014 this vendor finally refunded the money. This guy just wants to steal from one cutsomer at a time. I did find that he used to do business on Ebay. You have to have some accountability there. Overall experience -abysmal.