Would not recommend working with them to anyone, they can't be trusted! Before receiving your money they make all these wonderful claims about being good partners, but after you have paid? Forget about it, all lies and your money is gone! Please be careful when considering working with them.
Date of experience: September 8, 2022
My uncle has bought gym clothes from Alanic Clothing for his boutique, the product qualitity and design was too good. Customer also loved their product.
Date of experience: January 14, 2020
We, Alanic Clothing with our headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, USA has reached the world with our immaculate knowledge in fashion, sports and fitness clothing, and passion in enhancing the apparel industry at large! Putting twice our guts in every course of action we have doubled the glory and is standing invincible in the market today. For more details mail us to info@alanic.clothing