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AllExperts has a rating of 3.6 stars from 27 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. AllExperts ranks 85th among Question And Answer sites.

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Top Positive Review

“Expert for many years”

Nick M.

I was an expert on tropical plants for years, and was very saddened that such a great concept was discontinued, free advice from volunteer experts gone, such a shame,,,

Top Critical Review

“Teri Davis Newman, St. Louis, MO”

S H.

I asked Teri Davis Newman of St. Louis, MO a question on this service. I asked a question and when she replied, all she did was talk about herself. I did not give her a favorable evaluation because of it and she wrote back and was quite abusive. What a mean spirited, angry person. She boasts she went to "charm school" as a child. And she volunteers in the etiquette and manners section. She did not demonstrate charm or manners to say the least.

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Thumbnail of user nickm595
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March 5th, 2020

I was an expert on tropical plants for years, and was very saddened that such a great concept was discontinued, free advice from volunteer experts gone, such a shame,,,

Thumbnail of user anjeew
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May 17th, 2017

I gave them 3 stars even though if still open they would get 5 stars. 3 stars is because they closed without warning. I never received my last answer and you are unable to view the archives. I found this site 10 yrs ago. It was my go to place to get my questions answered without searching the web for hours and getting 100 different unhelpful opinions! I am sad to see them go. I real hope another site will pick up where left off and abandoned!

Thumbnail of user romyb4
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July 2nd, 2018

I was an expert in the area of religion for about 5 years. I later relized that I didn't have all the time I needed to answer all the questions and be a full time mom at the same time. Now my kids are a little older, and I wanted to come back as an expert, and now the site is closed down. It's a bummer to see this. I loved doing research and helping people. If there is any site like it, I would join.

Thumbnail of user howardf21
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July 8th, 2017

As an Answer man in my field, (British Car Repair) I answered over 6,500 questions and in doing so made several pen pals around the world that I still try to help with automotive problems.
I found that I usually received a reminder of a pending question when I missed one due to not being on my PC for a short time. So it seems to me they were on the ball.

Thumbnail of user debbief11
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July 7th, 2014

This site is both good and bad, mostly bad. Most experts are supposed to be experts in the category they are assigned to, however, most of the time I get a response "But this is outside of my expertise" In addition each category is broken down way to much. Many times I am not sure which subcategory to pick. In the senior area they do not have a subcategory on seniors in general only on Medical - why? Also too many experts go on vacation and then you really dont have anyone to answer your question. This site needs to be revamped totally

To the people who are saying it is a free site so what do you want, it doesnt matter if it is free or not you want good advice and you want it on time and you want the experts to be experts in the category they were assigned to, you do not want to read "But this is outside of my expertise". If this is the case then dont claim to be an expert in that category.

Thumbnail of user billw345
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March 25th, 2019

Similar to "Just Answer", the quality of the experience depends upon the "expert" you are working with. My questions were usually about astronomy, and the experts were indeed expert and great to work with.

Thumbnail of user sh12656
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May 22nd, 2016

I asked Teri Davis Newman of St. Louis, MO a question on this service. I asked a question and when she replied, all she did was talk about herself. I did not give her a favorable evaluation because of it and she wrote back and was quite abusive. What a mean spirited, angry person. She boasts she went to "charm school" as a child. And she volunteers in the etiquette and manners section. She did not demonstrate charm or manners to say the least.

Thumbnail of user madelinef4
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May 1st, 2018

AllExperts is now closed down, with no back-up of all the knowledge and questions answered by so many experts. Well, that is part and parcel of why they weren't successful and had problems with the site, this lac of attention to detail.
I was one of the top experts on Allexperts for over 10 years in the areas of Dog Training and Dog Behavior. I also did not get the notice that the site was shutting down. I finally tried to load the site as I hadn't gotten a question in quite a long time, months at least, perhaps a year.
All the criticisms posted that I have read by other AllExperts are fair, and I agree. One of the further issues I had with the structure of the site was that we were all 'out there' as experts and not anonymous, and the questioners got to be anonymous. My field being a predominantly female-attracting one, and rather competitive, snarky and backbiting, I was sure that some of my competition were asking me silly questions, which I often politely and professionally answered, only to give me poor ratings, usually on 'politeness' or some other aspect which made no sense. I would write to Allexperts, and, for the most part, they were very good at removing ratings which were unfair to me. In a couple of instances I asked them to check the IP addresses of some of the lousy ratings I received, and it turned out that a few of them were matches; that is, that the same persons were repeatedly e-mailing me questions which sounded legitimate just so they could bring down my ratings after I responded. As posted by many other Experts, these ratings were our only "earnings." It was distressing. About a year ago, I changed to a format where I charged for responses, and at about that time, I got a few questions I rejected because the questioners hadn't paid the $25 fee I requested, which I explained was going to animal charities, not into my pocket. Getting a fair rating became so difficult within the last several years that I told questioners in my bio that if they rated me fairly and promptly, that I would randomly make anywhere from a $10 - $25 donation to an animal-related charity or shelter for their fair and prompt rating; and, I DID, many times. Even with this carrot, I still got people who rated me unfairly, and I wrote to them and told them that they had just cost some shelter a $25 donation. Then, I'd ask AllExperts to remove the rating, and if they agreed it was unfair (which in almost all cases they did), the unfair rating was removed. I suggested many times that they unmask questioners so that my competition couldn't get away with this any longer. Obviously, they never implemented my request. I wish I knew they were shutting down, because I would have liked to turn many of my responses (probably about 500) into a book about dog training and behavior. I guess I waited a bit too long. In any case, I have to admit I'm a bit relieved that I won't need to be fielding fake questions any longer. I actually was becoming really quite good at sorting out the fakers from the real questioners. That aspect helped me greatly in my selection skills of actual customers during phone intakes. I became quite adept at sorting out the people with whom I wouldn't enjoy working from those who would appreciate what I have to offer.

Thumbnail of user joelet
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May 2nd, 2017

I have answered more than 7000 healthcare questions. This has been a wonderful sight with many people who contact me for advice. I have helped so many and I am at a loss, as a doctor who really cares, where do I go next?

Thumbnail of user richardj5
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September 7th, 2011


AllExperts is a useful service that's unfortunately badly compromised by poor administration. I speak as both a user (asking questions) and an expert (providing answers).

Well organized by nearly every conceivable subject area, the site facilitates users' inquiries to individual experts selected by those users on the basis of displayed qualifications as submitted by the experts. The experts' answers are rated by the users receiving them, according to knowledgeability, clarity, and politeness. The expert base is considerable, allowing users in many cases to choose from multiple experts. New experts are linked to a complex set of rules (not ordinarily seen by the users) and encouraged to email questions to site administration.

There are serious problems for both experts and users. The first two points relate to customer service:

1. Despite the encouragement alluded to above, questions by experts seem uniformly to be ignored. Using the special experts' channel, I've emailed many successive questions to the site (and reminders), all without response.

2. The same appears largely to be true of users' questions to the site (not to the experts). My correspondence to the site as a user--before I was registered as an expert--got one reply, but other questions were entirely ignored.

3. The system allows experts to easily pass over questions they don't want to bother with. An expert can choose a canned non-answer to be sent to the user, and even if the expert does nothing there is almost always no penalty. It is theoretically possible for an expert to be eventually dismissed for repeatedly ignoring questions, but the expert would probably have to be dead before that would happen.

4. When a user does not choose to rate, the expert's rating on each attribute defaults to 10 (the highest). Successive ratings for each expert are averaged and those averages are prominently displayed--but unbeknown to users and probably many experts, there is as buried in the material sent to new experts a practice that outlier ratings are ignored. These facts, together with those in point #3 above, result in average ratings that are essentially meaningless.

* * * *

In sum, AllExperts can be a good resource for finding answers--certainly better than the undeservedly popular Yahoo Answers--and many experts supply excellent responses. Don't expect too much, however, from any particular expert, high rating notwithstanding.

(Feel free to ask me a question. I'm Richard Johnson in the General Writing and Grammar sub-category.)

Thumbnail of user terrya41
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May 14th, 2017

While I understand that some sites don't last forever, AllExperts was a great place to get answers to literally any questions. I started volunteering as I was sick of the condescending attitudes and answers that were provided on a number of forums by others in my industry. It was an opportunity for me to give back and as I understood that in the majority of the cases (probably 99%) questioners WERE looking for real answers, it gave me the chance to provide real time information.
I'm still kind of in shock and withdrawal at not having the questions and answers, and I have been contacted by a number of people who were regular followers and readers, even though they may not have had questions.

Unfortunately the site did end, though with VERY little warning to the questioners or volunteers, and it appears that there is no access to the millions of archived answers. The site owners closed the site with no explanation which left many of us with numerous unanswered questions.

If any of you still have questions concerning antique safes that you would like answered you can still send them directly to me at: ******* I'll do my best to provide the same level of service that you got through AllExperts but please be patient and understand that my answers through AllExperts was done in my OFF TIME, now your questions will be coming to me during working hours - and of course WORK comes first.

Thank you for all of the support over the past 8 years that I was volunteering.

Thumbnail of user anthonye26
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March 18th, 2016

I went to allexperts to ask a question about a photograph. I found the "expert" David Silver and just asked him a few simple questions, such as the date and what type of photograph it is. Here is the conversation:

Hello! The expert can't answer your question.

Your Question was:

Can you tell me what type of photo this is? It looks really old but after reading up on the Internet I am worried it could be fake. The Image is large and is made of a thin card board. Please let me know. Thank you.

Following is the reason:

There's nothing special about it. A common paper print, large size, mounted under a slightly magnifying glass, was once in a fancy wood frame, typical of zillions of similarly presented round family and children portraits created by photographers all over the world from the 1890's into the 1930's. If somebody was going to make a "fake" photograph, why would they fake something that was essentially worthless? In truly excellent condition, well preserved in the complete original frame, these sorts of portraits can sell for $50 to $250 depending on the quality of the image. Some collectors might pay slightly more for images of blacks or other minorities, but the images still have to be a lot more special than just a couple of unknown children staring back at the camera in uninspiring poses. This is NOT a very good photograph. And it's not in the best condition either. It's basically a $20 flea market item.

Expert: David Silver

Is this for real?

Thumbnail of user nancyb228
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August 4th, 2017

I am sad that I didn't get an email that AllExperts was closing shop. I was a volunteer from the very beginning in Microsoft Office and WordPerfect

Thumbnail of user brett403
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June 2nd, 2017

I was an expert on Basketball Officiating for several years and really enjoyed sharing whatever knowledge I had. I am very sorry to see the site has been taken down. Us experts should band together and start another site.

Thumbnail of user debbief29
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December 29th, 2015

This site is the worse site. Some of the volunteers judge you without even knowing you, insult you and put down where you shop.

Jacquelynn Cunliffe is a volunteer who insulted me and I want to report her.

In her answer to me she told me I am buying junk clothes at the thrift stores. She was very insulting. I want her removed from this site and an apology via allexperts. She was telling me that I dont value myself because I buy my clothes at the thrift store. I told her off.

All my clothes are from the thrift store but I only buy the great quality clothes - I have the knack.

Tip for consumers:

Thumbnail of user perryv6
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April 29th, 2017

I started at in Oct. 1999 until the day it closed shop without any notice to me until the day before it closed last Friday. I answered 4000+ questions if you counted the ones I answered through direct reply for many of the follow up questions that came to me in the early years. I always answered to the best of my ability... never abused anyone and was always humble and apologetic when my real job or other life issues slowed my response time. I had folks return to me multiple times and even some returned many years after a previous question was posed. I took my volunteer service seriously but tried to be casual and generous with my time. I truly feel bad and surprised that others had bad experiences with the site but in the nitch I was in my feedback was always positive and well received. I also feel bad for those who I will no longer be able to help and the habit of serving others via the website now is quiet. I did have the satisfaction of answering one last question two nights before the site closed. I wish it had kept going as it was personally satisfying to help others in need who couldn't afford to hire an expert.

Perry Vellenga

Thumbnail of user ayyappant
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June 1st, 2017

Iam surprised about sudden disappearance of the site all, i was an expert on plastic surgery and it was a pleasure to have been associated with this site, iam very sad at the sudden disappearance and want to know how i can continue answering questions and help people

Thumbnail of user brazill
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December 21st, 2016

Dr. Subramaniam, expert in economics is a is a research oriented person. His answers are thought provoking, of use to the person who asked the question, the public, government and others. His answers were never ordinary and simple chats as the case with other experts in all other ields. From 2006, he has answered 615 questions with a prestige point of 3790. His knowledge, clarity and politeness is almost close to 10. His academic and professional background are excellent. Hee should be a TOP Expert.

Thumbnail of user kerryg16
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December 17th, 2017

I answered 1000's of questions on this site about Science Fiction, Sci-fi robots and people looking to find the titles of obscure films and TV shows they had from past memories. Sad to see it gone. AS Experts we were not given an explanation why it was closing on that it was. All our answers appear to be gone without being archived, which is annoying. I am still answering questions though, now on Quora.

(I am answering questions still on Sci-fi films & TV series, Marvel Comics Cosmic Characters, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Finding Films and TV series (Sci-fi &Fantasy)

Thumbnail of user vicib1
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April 15th, 2014

Very poor only gave a one star rating to get review on site. I used to be an expert on this site when it first started. Recently I asked various experts simple questions. One got back to me within 48 hours and said 'might be' in answer to my question, and then demanded to know why I had only marked her 2/10 for response.
The other 4 have taken ten days plus to respond with a 'this expert is not able to answer the question'. Fair enough but does that have to take ten days and one even had the nerve to direct me to a site where I could pay him to get an answer!
It did not used to be like this. I used to spend hours responding and following up with people on the health page. Seems like no-one can be bothered. Or have I just hit unlucky with all five respondents having a busy/bad few days?

Thumbnail of user inball
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July 6th, 2017

As Allexpert was my site to give back to the universe some of the bliss I have in my own life I still am in wish to help others therfore if you need psychic answers I want you all to know that if you like my facebook page you are welcome to ask one yes or no question for free. Either one of you. I will need first names and birth dates to help better.
Look for me at
And yes let us get together again we can easily create facebook page for it and give free help as we did before because the giving is giving and the needy are many

Thumbnail of user kellyd26
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May 21st, 2014

I really don't understand some people giving bad reviews. All Experts is excellent. It's a FREE service so what is it with some people complaining. The experts give their time free and help others. I have used them for a range of questions from computer and network problems to questions about photography and other stuff and in general terms, I found the free service to be excellent. I saw someone say forget "Yahoo Answers" and I agree. This is far superior in every way. You might not always get what you want but personally I'm so grateful to these people for saving my skin a number of times. For that I say THANK YOU.

Thumbnail of user janitas
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June 23rd, 2013

I was skeptical if this site would come through and with good reason. Picked a doc with an avg response time of less than 24 hours and have heard from no one for almost 4 days. Got a receipt email immediately but the link to follow if you havent received a response in 3 days just says "it has not been 3 days yet, please come back later." there is no chance of my miscalculating the date as i have their dated reply in front of me. No way to contact an actual person or leave feedback on the site, only an email form for tech support, which i also filled out. Dont hang your hopes on this site; it was worthless. (seeking chiropractic advice from dr. nona djavid)

Thumbnail of user jaredc14
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April 9th, 2013

Every time you post a question a generic email gets generated saying that they can't answer your question at this time. Your question has been moved to the pool and maybe picked up by another expert ( never happens). I used to love using this site. Now its just an inconvenience and a waste of time.

Thumbnail of user pattis5
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October 25th, 2016

I've answered over 5000 questions and concerns over the years, as well as using the service myself to ask questions of others.
As an "asker", I've found it to be an excellent jumping off point to dig for deeper answers to my questions, as well as resolving other questions I've had.
As an "answerer" I've found most people to be articulate and serious, what drives me nuts are the ones who don't use punctuation, or keep coming back to me seeking a different answer that more suit their needs, rather than listening to what the facts might be.

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Allexperts, created in early 1998, was the very first large-scale question and answer service on the net!

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