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So, the preview on the website claims that is going to be in-depth review and that they don't believe in 'one size fits all' astrology. The report was absolutely ridden with repetition and inaccuracies, basicaly describing to you a bunch of zodiac charachteristics - this report doesn't seem to have an expertise of an actual astrologer behind it and you would get the same accuracy result if you tried to get a report with CHAT-GPT and the language used in some sentences I recognize from various free access websites like CafeAstrology.com. The quality of this report does not rival with any free information out there. Obviously it is always better to find an actual specialist, and it's one of the red flags missed tha there's no name of an actual practicing astrologer mentioned anywhere on the website that sired these pre-written insights. It looks like there isn't one - seems like report just parced lots of text from many sources and compiled it into fully computer-generated report, hence the amount of blatant unacceptable mistakes. Even for automated free report it was very poor quality, now consider website charges $33 and book is ridden with repetition and critical mistakes, as well as contradictory information which is known as Barnum effect.

For anyone who is interested, ASTRO-CHARTS or Purple Fig LLC you can see their USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) report (which is public information) here: https://uspto.report/TM/90642883

Date of experience: December 15, 2023