Proceed with caution. Our family hired Magana to handle my brother's case and not only did he not investigate it, he never contacted one of the "victim's" family members who was vocal about the charges being made up. My brother was an INNOCENT MAN, and Magana kne this, but he coerced my brother into a guilty plea, thus, the sentence was 7 years. Magana does not investigate, he does not hire investigators, he does not return phone calls, he doesn't follow up, he doesn't do a d*** thing but collect money, then weasel his way to a guilty plea. He even had the nerve to tell my mom and I about his 7,000 sq ft home and his pool... just after the sentencing was handed down. If I didn't know better, I would be willing to bet that Magana is in cahoots with the DA, the judge, the DA's wife, and Ft. Hood, and getting kickbacks on all of the guilty pleas he can rack up for Bell County. Michael Magana really needs to be removed from the bar, and I hope to God that one day, he, too, is prosecuted BECAUSE HE''S A CROOK!
Date of experience: August 3, 2016
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