I ordered a cheap designer purse replica, for a fair price, I wanted to give it a chance since there were no bag or good reviews on this site yet. The website has only one picture of the featured bag, one frontal view, and you can see that there are creases in the purse, indicating that the purse has been crumpled and not well taken care of. There were no dimensions of the purse, or any descriptions of any kind.
After purchasing the purse, I found that there was a hefty shipping and handling fee, as you might imagine, this designer replica comes from China. A week later, the purse came to me in a crumpled, destroyed cardboard box, with no padding at all to keep the purse from damages in transit. The purse had "Louis Vuitton" stamped in the wrong direction - clearly marking it as a fake, the materials are cheap, the sewing is cheap, and there are smudges throughout the cheap leather.
When I emailed (there is no contact phone number to speak to a real person anywhere on the website) the site, it states that a someone will return my email within 1-3 hours, it actually took about 7 hours for someone to get back to me.
They replied with:
This is service team.
We are sorry to learn that you are not satisified with the size of the bag. If for this reason, we cannot make an exchange because we have clearly written the measurement on the description. Thanks.
By the way, if you ship the bag back to us, which might take you around $20-$30 each package.
Kind Regards,"
Yeah. Basically they are telling me its better to just keep the purse and make do with the crap they sent me, since the return shipping will be tremendous. I cleaned the bag, snipped off the extra threads, and super glued the straps down where they are sticking up. I may not wear this around my friends, but it might end up being a good gym bag.
Stay away from this website! Total rip off! You are better off getting a real designer bag at the outlet!
Date of experience: January 4, 2012
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