Unfortunately, my grandson recently landed in a Los Angeles County Jail, specifically Twin Towers. I wanted to put money on his books, but I was told that Los Angeles County jails have changed their protocol and now there are only two options for doing this. You can send a United States postal money order or you can go in person and submit cash at the jail. The money order must be a United States postal money order, not just any money order, or it will be returned. The problem is that a money order can take as long as three weeks to post to the account. Submitting the money in person is clearly better, but it does mean driving to Los Angeles which may or may not be an option for some people and I have heard that parking is quite a challenge there as well. When I heard about a place called Convict Cash that would enable me to place money on the books online I was very interested, but some people warned me that it could be a scam. After a lot of research I finally decided to contact a nonprofit agency to inquire as to the legitimacy of Convict Cash and when they assured me that Convict Cash is legitimate, I proceeded to place money on his books several times. A week ago he was released and was able to verify first-hand and in person that he did in fact receive every single penny that I posted to his books by way of Convict Cash. The charge for a normal posting is $10 and the money is posted within 72 hours. If time is a serious issue you can have a same day posting but the fee is $25 instead of $10. For someone like me who no longer sees well enough to drive, this place is an incredible blessing. It is painful to know that you have a loved one in jail and that you cannot provide them with a little bit of funding to meet their needs. This business gave me great peace of mind and it gave my grandson encouragement to know that I was thinking about him.