• Curriculum Associates

Curriculum Associates

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Curriculum Associates has a rating of 1.3 stars from 244 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about Curriculum Associates most frequently mention 4th grade, brain cells, and middle school problems. Curriculum Associates ranks 4443rd among Education sites.

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Positive reviews (last 12 months): 0%
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How would you rate Curriculum Associates?
Top Positive Review

“The haters are giant feet”

Footman S.

I have done I-ready since 4th grade and I'm perfectly fine in 6th. I think the problem is teachers aren't giving enough time to some students and kids these days are just irresponsible. To all of you 1 star raters, ask about an IEP plan.

Top Critical Review


Josh j.

They said Robert e lee was a hero wtf ~_~-_-o_OO_o-_-|| :-\: -[-_-:-O :'(: -(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(

Reviews (244)




Thumbnail of user joshj231
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December 19th, 2023

They said Robert e lee was a hero wtf ~_~-_-o_OO_o-_-|| :-\: -[-_-:-O :'(: -(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(

Thumbnail of user leaha128
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May 16th, 2021

I ready is not the best for schools for i like math and i really like reading but i ready makes it painful even if your question is wrong it doesn't explain how to do the math and it is trying to make it look cool but its not some of the things in ready like in one lesson theres a poster with a kid wearing sun glasses but i searched up "cool kid in sunglasses" and i quickly found it overall its horrible for me and it gives me headaches. The sunglasses kid in down below but i did not take a screen shot of the lesson

Thumbnail of user annabellah2
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October 26th, 2020

Soo I hope the people who made i ready see this and in one word to describe I ready is... BORING every kid in my school complains about it! Its boring all we do is stare at this screen and when your characters talk they talk forever! Even when we get a question right I mean if we get it right we obviously get it! Cant you do something like play this math game to win this__ everybody loves prizes all I'm asking for is fun now generation z spends too much time on electronics make that time fun!

Thumbnail of user killyourself1255235235
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October 10th, 2023

Iready is so $#*!ing stupid because its like you throwing a kid in a cotton field and i dont think kids should be fored to do this $#*!ing dumb $#*! special grade ah website/app

Thumbnail of user footmans
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September 17th, 2022

I have done I-ready since 4th grade and I'm perfectly fine in 6th. I think the problem is teachers aren't giving enough time to some students and kids these days are just irresponsible. To all of you 1 star raters, ask about an IEP plan.

Tip for consumers:
Just do what the teacher tells you to do.

Products used:
MacBook air

Thumbnail of user alexist124
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May 12th, 2021

One reason is because A website for students that teachers think will help their grade, but in reality it makes them want to kill themselves. A website that causes suicidal thoughts, depression, ptsd, anxiety, and adhd. Another reason is because, I-Ready causes stress for students and does not teach anything to students, is a big waste of time and has no benefits. It can cause hours of time to get past the tutorial of 1 lesson... With all this time students will not have time for extracurricular activities like sports.

Thumbnail of user robinl710
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November 10th, 2022

How can you even explain this bull$#*!?
It's like XtraMath but even XtraMath wasn't that depressing.
As a fellow Anti I-Ready Reaction member, raiding the stupid little $#*!s who actually spent their $#*!ing family time to make a damn wiki for this $#*!.
Tell those $#*!s I was Mercenary Gas and Stevehern7382.
I hope the guy behind i-Ready passes the $#*! away and turns into ashes only to get poured into a river above a damn bridge

Products used:
None because it is so $#*! of a website why would they even have merchandise

Thumbnail of user aeriellep
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October 4th, 2021

I have used I-Ready for about 3 years. Not as long as some of you guys. But I HATE it. It takes me 2 hours to complete and when I fail It takes me 4 hours. It is a waste of time and makes kids want to kill themselves. The government could use the people's voices to torture people. If they did it to me I would last about 5 minutes max. I-Ready has caused the death of so many innocent youth. They where fine before starting. After they wanted to kill themselves. I do NOT recommend this to anyone!

Tip for consumers:
Don't use it. Trust me on this one.

Products used:
I-Ready Math and Reading

Thumbnail of user hjkgfxchfghdftyuhjgcfvxgfrthybujnbyhgtcrfh
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September 9th, 2022

IReady is just as bad as Fortnite, it's basically throwing a child in a cauldron and telling them to stay there and only eat rotten bananas for 6 years. IReady is torture to everyone. I've tried so many things to get it banned but the school blocks everything but luckily I switched schools so I don't have to do it anymore :) iReady makes kids suffer I hope you get sued for *******$.

Tip for consumers:
Don't buy it.

Products used:
Don't buy it at all it's horrible.

Thumbnail of user lizs289
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March 5th, 2021

First I'm going to talk about the reading section. Its so boring they treat you like 2 year old's and every lesson is the same. Or it haves the same vibe. So it just gets boring overtime. Now for math it's less boring because it's actually helpful MOST of the time. Its pretty helpful and fun. BUT sometimes it really messes me up. Would not recommend.

Thumbnail of user vivip4
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September 29th, 2020

I really dont know why people think its so bad. Might aswell like cause you gonna have to do it instend of complaining because it wasting your time being picky on it because your gonna be doing it for 5 years or more you kids are so used to watching youtube and playing roblox intead focus on the real world and get it done with because you could have a site very worse then this so be greatful for what you have intead of being straight up rude and just do the work and be gratful.

Thumbnail of user ihatei1
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January 30th, 2021

Ive used the crap basically for 3 years and it sucks, literally. The people in the lessons take so long to freaking speak. They give the worst questions and yet claim the dumbest answers to be correct. You cant even escape this garbage by being on an alt tab because it always pauses. The most annoying part is when you have to retake a whole 2 hour lesson JUST BECAUSE OF 3 WRONG QUESTIONS. I hope Iready gets banned.

Thumbnail of user jamarn2
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April 15th, 2021

There evil people and want to suck your energy, every time I get a lesson wrong they make me do the whole thing again! They could've let me do the quiz but no! They don't care! They want their money! And don't get me started on those animated characters, they're loud, annoying, and VERY creepy, don't you think they should stop I-ready because this app is messed up.

Thumbnail of user mobyh1
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August 4th, 2021

First of all, let's talk about the lessons. Each lesson is drawn out with a ridiculous amount of questions added to a problem as you answer the questions. After you complete the problem your progress barely even goes up at all, making each lesson over an hour long in some cases. Plus, if you fail a quiz at the end of the lesson you have to restart the whole lesson. The only good thing about this horrendous bore-fest of hell is there is a decent soundtrack sometimes.

Thumbnail of user isaiahp21
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May 21st, 2020

My friend did it and when he said the correct answer it said he was wrong pls fix that or else I never do it

Thumbnail of user izzym17
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May 7th, 2021

0 stars! Just a way for them to make money. I learn nothing from it! Treats older kids like a 5-year-old.

Thumbnail of user ctrquck
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October 11th, 2023

I-Ready, the widely used online education platform, has become a staple in many classrooms across the United States. While it promises to help students improve their grades and learning outcomes, the reality often falls short of these aspirations. Instead of being the beneficial learning tool it claims to be, many students find the experience to be painful and unproductive.

User Interface (): The first thing that stands out is the user interface. It's clunky, unintuitive, and often frustrating to navigate. Students, particularly younger ones, struggle to understand how to use the platform effectively. This difficulty in simply getting started sets the tone for the entire experience.

Content Quality (): The content presented on I-Ready often feels disconnected from what students are learning in their classrooms. It lacks the engagement and personalization needed to effectively cater to a diverse group of learners. The lessons are repetitive and often fail to address students' unique needs.

Assessment Overload (): I-Ready seems to focus more on assessing students rather than teaching them. The excessive number of assessments can be overwhelming and even demotivating for students. Instead of nurturing a love for learning, it can make students feel like they are constantly being judged and measured.

Lack of Customization (): One size does not fit all in education, and I-Ready's lack of customization is a significant drawback. Students are forced into a rigid curriculum that may not suit their individual learning pace or style. This results in frustration and a lack of interest in the material.

Limited Teacher Involvement (): I-Ready can lead to a more isolated learning experience. While it may be designed to support classroom instruction, many students end up feeling like they're on their own. The minimal interaction with teachers on the platform leaves students without the necessary guidance and support.

Repetitive and Boring (): The repetitive nature of the exercises can quickly lead to boredom. Students often feel like they are going through the motions rather than genuinely learning. This boredom can be a significant deterrent to student engagement and achievement.

In conclusion, I-Ready's promise to help students improve their grades seems to be more of a marketing ploy than a reality. The platform's frustrating user interface, lack of content quality, assessment-heavy approach, and limited customization options leave students feeling that the platform does more harm than good. It's essential to recognize that education should be engaging, adaptive, and student-centered, but I-Ready falls short on these fronts. Instead of helping students excel, it often leaves them in a painful learning cycle with limited benefits. There are better alternatives out there for educators and students who are looking for a more effective and engaging educational experience.

Thumbnail of user stuarts182
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October 14th, 2020

The heck. So boring that i almost fall asleep minus 1 start you restart the test. It makes you dumber and more boring minus 2 stars. The games are lame and they worth 50 coins minus 1 star. The learning games are much funer and are free. Plus 2 stars. But it dosent always happen minus 1 star. It sometimes heps you learn somthin. Plus 1 star. Oh no once you fail the test do it all over again minus 1 star. Total: 3 stars

Thumbnail of user annej327
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January 5th, 2023

The actual workbooks and in-person curriculum create a deep hatred for math. Not only is there no joy, but it is really bad curriculum. I have seen students' scores decline since this curriculum was adopted in our district. It is a very disorganized, confusing, developmentally inappropriate curriculum.

Thumbnail of user miat68
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August 10th, 2021

Iready is so fun i learn alot but even thought sometimes I get it wrong I learn from them, and it gets funner and funner and people who say the opposite, should think again and learn to appreciate what the teachers do for them.

Thumbnail of user julies2117
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February 8th, 2022

Iready i the absolute worst ive had to go through pretty much 5 years of school for the up and it is terrible. If you get 3 maybe 4 questions wrong you have to go through the instruction, Practice, And quiz again. And it dosent teach you anything it gives you the same lessens just with different math, i have no idea why teachers made students do this piece of crap. I feel really bad for future students who have to go through this pain. Please ban iready theres no point of it excisting if people hate it a lot. Just delete it And save children suffering today.

Tip for consumers:

Thumbnail of user nicolej446
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December 16th, 2020

I do not even know why this exists. What kind of stupid thing is this...
It sucks and nobody even likes it. If you get 3 little questions wrong in a boring lesson, they mark it as fail. Just shut up iReady, you talk too much. A few years ago when I used it, I told my teacher that it is absolute garbage. Every single student in the school just complains about this boring website. The people who created must be disowned by their parents...

Thumbnail of user kaident3
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April 27th, 2021

I've been using this program for more than 5 years, through elementary and middle school. Our own school even has a time for this program. Honestly, it's better for some testing program, not for some idiotic lessons. I'm tired of this website and would like some change. The people who do say it is good, good for you. But it is not suited for me.

Thumbnail of user kaisenf
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March 15th, 2021

So I've been on I-Ready for a few years now and I feel like it just babies one another. Even when you get the question right, it still says the answer. And it reads the answer for you. Another thing is that you don't learn anything. And when you get the question wrong it just makes you feel bad. It sucks, and it "Tracks your minutes". What's the point of that?! Overall, I say it should be taken down.

Thumbnail of user grandsonr
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May 5th, 2021

I had 10 questions i got 3 wrong i ready said 62 percent and i dont like it because this is messing with my grades

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