Designer-Discreet has a rating of 3.2 stars from 383 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Designer-Discreet most frequently mention customer service, western union, and dust bag. Designer-Discreet ranks 2nd among Fashion Blogs sites.
This company does not typically respond to reviews
This was my first time ordering from Designer Discreet. Great selection of current and classic handbags. Great line of communication opened immediately by customer support (thank you Emily) Order arrived in good time. Delighted with my bag. Quality exceeded expectation. Honestly delighted.
Do not use this website they can not be trusted send out wrong items avoid avoid avoid, seliing counterfeit items, he worst website you can use
The bag is awesome, the quality is great. I will order again soon. By the way, the shipping was fast and the customer service is great and very informative. I am in love with my LV bag. Thank you.
Ok real person here. I got spooked by the negative reviews, but then I realized even authentic boutiques like Netaporter have horrible reviews on this site so I decided to still go ahead with my purchase of 3 bags (I got a free wallet for purchasing this many) and holy moly am I pleased! The order arrived here in Southwest USA over the course of a month. The bags are a Gucci Dionysus, a Louis Vuitton Neverfull, and a Louis Vuitton Mahina Babylone (which I saw reviewed on a forum). Each bag is PERFECT. My favorite bag is definitely the Babylone cause the leather is so supple. I am so glad I went through with my order and will definitely order with this company again.
Tip for consumers:
Be patient with their customer service. It takes some time to hear back from them which can freak you out during the process but they clearly know what they are doing.
I am very impressed of the quality of this bag. I compared it with the original bags I have and is exactly the same. I am very very happy with this purse.
I was nervous because you can't use paypal, but they are so trustworthy, kind and communicate very well. They emailed me every step of the way and they were soooo sooo kind and sweet. The bags are HANDS down, exact replicas of the original. My best friend has some of the same bags that i ordered, and it took us a long time to figure out which one was the real and which one was the replica!
They have not disappointed me ONCE with any of the bags and I have ordered so far 3- 2 GUCCI and 1 YSL and i have 1 GIVENCHY on the way!
I loveeeeee them!
Tip for consumers:
Just be mindful to really look at the pictures and choose styles that are easy to duplicate and are close to the original of what you want.
Like there are some that I know i wouldn't be happy with because i don't think it would be close enough to the real thing.
And secondly, just be mindful it takes start to finish 2-3 wks...some things they make to order so don't think you're going to get it right away- but they communicate with you often to let you know if they are done and when they are sh
Excellent online shoppinh experience. Great price, great service will certainly purchase from them again. I woukd recommend them to anyone looking for a watch.
My Gucci shades reached on time with proper packaging. The prices were reasonable and quality is amazing, definitely worth your money. Will be ordering again soon.
Everything from the process of buying and receiving my beautiful belt was excellent! Fast shipping, gorgeous, well-made product! I love it! Can't wait to purchase more items!
I bought a bag about 6 weeks ago and NEVER received it. I had to try and trace the parcel down (no help whatsoever from Designer discreet! They in fact where telling me that I HAD RECEIVED the parcel and signed for it while the parcel was at customs! Bongus!) and I finally found out that customs have got the parcel and will not release it because it contains a counterfeit product. Of course Designer discreet did not reply to my email for help. Noone told me that I could buy an insurance but judging from other people who reviewed here and elsewhere and had the same problem like me, the insurance was another waste of money. I paid a lot of money for that bag at none seems to be able to help me. Customs said that they are on high alert of counterfeit products coming from China and do not allow them in. Is there any way I can get my parcel? Please someone help me!
Bottom line: DO NOT ORDER from Designer Discreet you will lose your money as they offer no support in case your bag is held at customs and in all probability customs will not let it in any way!
I bought the Louis Vuitton Babylone and have to tell you this bag is NO different than the one I touched and held in the boutique before researching replicas and ending up at Designer Discreet. The shipping time was a little late since I ordered during the holiday period they have but the free keychain they sent (LV) was more than enough to make up for it. Overall I am SUPER WOWED by my bag and must say I may become addicted to replica bags soon!
I am in love with the Balenciaga sunglasses that I purchased from Designersdiscreet's website. The packaging was thoughtful, the glasses were wrapped protectively and the quality is amazing!
ProvideAmazing amazing quality bags I got the YSL shoulder and Gucci bag and they are amazing - why would you buy the real thing when designer discreet provide it! I will be ordering more for sure!
I ordered two items which's shoe and bag but unfortunately the LV bag was seized by custome and the letter I received from them I sent it to DS but no response till now it was really unfair I hope the do something
So I read a ton of reviews and felt like it may have been a scam, but accepted the risk and went for it. I chose the Louis Vuitton MM Neverful since it is a classic and I have many friends with the actual one. I ordered and sent my money via Western Union (the first time I've ever used Western Union, but went to Walgreens, used my debit card and it was pretty easy). I sent the confirmation and they responded they would collect funds and send me a tracking number once sent which could take a few days for processing.
After almost 2 weeks, I was becoming more nervous so I emailed and received a tracking number that didn't work. I emailed again a couple days later and received the correct tracking number, which I was pleasantly surprised that the bag was already in the US at that point. I received my bag probably 3 weeks from ordering it and I couldn't be happier. The bag is lovely and so spot on that I didn't tell either of my friends who have the same bag in different colors that it was a replica and they totally think it is real. The attention to detail with the hardware, print, etc. is excellent. There was a slight odor (I think they painted the red outline of the leather handles) but it went away after a day of having the bag unwrapped. Overall, I would say communication isn't the best but just be patient and you will be satisfied.
This is my 2nd bag purchased from DD! Their bags never disappoint and their customer service is wonderful. I can't wait to order my next bag from them! I highly recommend their site.
Ordered at the beginning of CNY and took a while to receive my order... but customer service was great and very responsive. My LV neverfull is beautiful and great quality. Will order again soon!
I have ordered 10 items from them and loved every single items for the past 3 years. No one can tell its a mimic!
I highly recommend Designer Discreet for high quality Handbsgs. I bought the Vuitton Keepall 55 Im in the black monogram. I have experience with original Vuitton bags, and I cant tell the difference. They pay attention to every detail. With Designer Discreet, there is no reason to pay 5x more money for an original bag. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.
I was nervous about ordering becaus they only accept Western Union, but I took the leap based on others reviews. The girls at DD kept me very informed of events, and I had the bag in Salt Lake City just 15 days from the date I ordered it.
If youre considering buying a bag, This is the place to get it. There are cheaper replicas out there, but with a DD bag, you wont have to worry about anyone discovering its origin.
I placed an order with this company on January 28th and paid via Western Union. I patiently waited for someone to finally answer my emails and Aileen answered and finally confirmed that she received my payment, she said that she would be shipping my bag soon. A few days later, she told me she sent the bag and provided me a DHL tracking number. For three days I logged on to DHL and put in my tracking number and for 3 days all it said was "Shipment information received"
On the 4th day I just decided to contact DHL and provide the tracking number Aileen gave me 4 days ago. I was told that DD made a shipment label but NEVER dropped off my package. Where is my package? You said it was sent and now you send this message that you have your holiday and won't be responding to emails until Feb 25th!
UPDATE: I have changed my review because I ended up getting my bag today. I'm not sure why I was sent a tracking number 4 days before DHL even got my package but thats okay. I'm just happy I got it. The communication was not the greatest but the bag is lovely. I own several authentic Louis and I can't even tell the difference between this one and my real ones. It's beautiful and I don't think I will ever be dumb enough to purchase the real thing again when I can get one from DD that is, in every way, exactly the same as the original at a fraction of the price. I will be ordering again very soon. Thank you DD
I've purchased two bags so far from Designer Discreet. The first, in June- a Gucci Marmont in off white. Paid around £350 including shipping to the UK for the bag and when I eventually received it, I was delighted with it. The delay in shipping was due to customs wanting the brand owner' to inspect the bag, a total of 7 weeks I had to wait (not Dd's Fault...) however the thing that really impressed me was that this bag cleared a customs authentication procedure. That tells me the bag is a pretty decent replica, beside the fact that I can see that for myself. Even compared the real/replica side by side in Selfridges and I honestly couldn't tell them apart.
My more recent purchase was a Valentino Noir Rockstud satchel. The shipping only took 10 days as it wasn't held by customs, so I was pretty pleased with that. The bag is made of the softest, smoothest leather and the studs seem well stuck in place (although you get some replacement studs in with the bag, just in case) my sister has an authentic Valentino and she loves mine (i'm not telling her it's a replica;-))
Not the cheapest replicas around, but you get what you pay for...
I ordered a Louis Vuitton neverfull bag from DD, about 2 months ago.
I was guided through Emily from costumer service, who was a delight and very helpful. I paid through western union and my bag was sent 2 days after. When it arrived in customs in my country (in Europe), the bag was taken and given to the authorities. I was sent a letter, which informed me: The authorities suspected the bag to be fake, and handed the bag over to the Law firm representing Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton inspected my bag, and declared it fake. After this the law firm made a case against me as a consumer and my bag was destroyed and I had to pay a huge fine! This is the same process in all European countries and some countries have even stricter laws (France, Italy etc.) I dont doubt that DD makes nice replicas, but if you live inside of Europe, DONT ORDER. You will never see your bag, end up paying a huge fine, have your bag destroyed and a lawsuit upon you! Don't go here! Designer Discreet will not give you your money back, I asked...
Designer discreet should inform that this is a risk to their European costumers. I give them 1 star, because I believe that they do sell quality replicas, but if you're European, you'll never get your bag and end up paying what the authentic bag cost for the bag and lawsuit...
Buying Replica items outside of the EU, is illegal in all European countries. It's a felony! A pretty bag is not worth it, save your money and buy another bag or the real deal. Not worth the stress, money, lawsuit etc.
Very quick to respond to queries, delivery was slightly later than stated on the listing but not a problem, great price and service overall.
I'm very pleased with my purchase from DD, they're a bit slow in communication but the result is very satisfying.
Sure I'll do more purchases.
Can't believe how original they look. Worth the money. Only complaint is that my wire took long to receive but it turned out to be a bank issue.
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