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When I spend $80 on a board game - I expect that it will at least come in one piece. I was so excited to get my first wooden backgammon board - open box, wrapping and the handle falls out. My heart sank because I really wanted this board... so I email sales w/ a photo - no reply. 3 days later I call them - they tell me to drop a few drops of glue and glue it back on. Yeah - I could - not a big deal. But you know what? I paid $80. I don't want to. I just want to return the broken merchandise and get a refund but he tells me I have to pay for return shipping - it's on their return policy even if the merchandise is damaged. But if I upgrade to a better more expensive board they will gladly pay for return shipping. Need I say more?

Date of experience: June 8, 2015