• Gunpost.ca


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Gunpost.ca has a rating of 4.1 stars from 18 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases.

This company responds to reviews on average within 4 hours

Positive reviews (last 12 months): 71.4%
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How would you rate Gunpost.ca?
Top Positive Review

“The best firearms website for buying and selling in Canada!”


I've dealt over 320 times on gunpost, sold countless firearms and item and bought as much. Mods are always there when you need them and the website is amazingly well done, super friendly user! I've been there for over 5 years. 100%!

Top Critical Review

“Unreasonable staff”

Beuce A.

Was blocked from the site over to much ammo in a one lot sale or trade administrator was trying to force me to run maximum adds and pay to post more I explained it's all same caliber don't be an $#*! hat pictures of the convo uploaded proof of specific other member adds doing the same I also received a visit from police investigating the attempt to sell and purchase illegal firearms due to this disagreement Feel these guys need to be held accountable for making false accusations and bullying members around when there opinion is challenged

Reviews (18)




Thumbnail of user jpp65
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August 5th, 2023

I've dealt over 320 times on gunpost, sold countless firearms and item and bought as much. Mods are always there when you need them and the website is amazingly well done, super friendly user!
I've been there for over 5 years.

Thumbnail of user beucea
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October 1st, 2023

Was blocked from the site over to much ammo in a one lot sale or trade administrator was trying to force me to run maximum adds and pay to post more I explained it's all same caliber don't be an $#*! hat pictures of the convo uploaded proof of specific other member adds doing the same

I also received a visit from police investigating the attempt to sell and purchase illegal firearms due to this disagreement

Feel these guys need to be held accountable for making false accusations and bullying members around when there opinion is challenged

Thumbnail of user andrep193
GunPost P. – Gunpost.ca Rep

It's simple quality control. You didn't need to be a baby about it for starters. There is a reason we have multiple fields. It's so people can find your ad when they refine their search. But instead you immediately responded with insults, so we are not going to put up with that. So yes, we banned you for crossing that line. We don't need garbage like you on the site.

And buddy, if you got a visit from the police, that's to do with something you must have done. Don't try to put that on us because you are doing who knows what and landing on the police radar.

Thumbnail of user bdi2
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July 13th, 2023

I have been a member on this site for years now. Great place to go to find deals locally. The website has great filters that allow you to narrow your search. I also like that you can have up to 12 advertisements with a standard (free) account.

The website is also monitored very well. I have had to contact the site administrators a few times in regards to website issues and problems with other users. The site moderators answer my emails within a couple hours and are very reasonable. They explain things very well and are very professional. I really appreciate the quick response time.

Thumbnail of user kilomike0918
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February 12th, 2024

I've been a member for several years.
I made multiple transactions (selling and buying)
I always had a very good experience.
I've dealt with the site administrator multiple times. Very professional, honest, and fair.
I can only strongly recommend and endorse Gunpost.
Thanks guys!

Thumbnail of user roy
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July 26th, 2023

Gunpost is a safe and secure place to buy and sell guns --- I have done both. Recently I was trying to purchase from a seller whose address was local to me. Each time I asked to come and see the guns he would state they were sold --- but the ad was not coming down. Turns out he was trying to scam people to buy that wanted shipping because he was not a legit seller. The moderators of Gunpost discovered it quickly and banned the scammer. Members were notified! Action like this gives me the confidence to continue on Gunpost!

Thumbnail of user shotgun66pete
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July 27th, 2023

I have been operating on this site for almost five years. They are extremely vigilant on scammers and twice now have come to my rescue with very satisfactory results. Definitely a site I have 100%confidence in!

Thumbnail of user eid.alain
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August 3rd, 2023

Asked the moderator to remove a bad review I had given to another member and it was removed within minutes. Love the website functionality and support. Thank you

Thumbnail of user am1220
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February 1st, 2024

Been a member on Gunpost for years. Many, many transactions. 99% of members on there have been a pleasure and I can only assume that's the results of the hard work the moderator staff have perfected over the years to rid the site of scammers, garbage, unprofessional, unwanted people the majority of the community would never want to make contact with in the first place. The rules make the site clean and clear and it's the #1 platform in Canada in this field by a longshot. It's certainly been trending up in terms of quality since I've joined.

Thumbnail of user hooeysamui
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December 30th, 2023

I've been a member for a long time now. Ive bought and sold a fair amount of firearms and scopes over the years. Do your due diligence with buyers and sellers and you won't have any issues.

Thumbnail of user scottl1983
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June 24th, 2023

Great place to find that gun, gun part or ammo you've been looking for. Staff are excellent and site is well run. Can't recommend enough.

Thumbnail of user watsondoug1956
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March 20th, 2024

I have been a GunPost member for over three years and have had over twenty successful transactions! I just purchased a new rifle yesterday and met yet another great member of this community. I have never had an issue with the site administration. They have in-fact saved me from having to deal with nefarious people on at least 2 different occasions. They work hard to keep the site open and safe for all users. There are losers and scammers everywhere who want to steal your hard earned money. But there are also many many people who are honest and trustworthy that just want to trade and sell their firearms and firearms related stuff.
In general a great site and highly recommended!
Cheers 🍻

Thumbnail of user thomasp1318
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March 15th, 2023

How we see it only the most premiere ones were able to buy their handguns or even rifles and now this website should be shut down. Their is no further use for it. Only spreading large amounts of undocumented handguns on the streets causing street murder to increase in every city and town in Canada

Same criminal owners as "TOWNPOST" affiliated with proven criminal orgs OPP, RCMP

Beware, same ones who stole Canadians gun rights and steal property owned by Canadians.

Part of a robbery strategy since 1970

Thumbnail of user andrep193
GunPost P. – Gunpost.ca Rep

I'm sorry that you just made an absolute fool of yourself and publicly demonstrated your utter ignorance for this topic. But here, allow me to educate you.

Yes, handguns have for decades now been very restricted. Without going into a long several paragraph explanation for what a Canadian must do in order to get a license to buy a handgun, and how restrictive it is to keep and use a handgun, and where you can use a handgun, the fact the serial numbered gun is registered to your name with the RCMP, and how now that is even more widely restricted to even fewer Canadians since bill C-21. You should also know that all handguns that were bought and sold legally in Canada by this demographic(such as people who use gunpost.ca), a handgun ALWAYS has to go through a transfer and registration with the federal government. Meaning that the seller who currently has the handgun registered to his name by serial number with the RCMP, has to get the RCMP to legally transfer ownership to another licensed buyer before the handgun can be given to the buyer.

You suggested that people on this site are selling handguns under the table. Well, let me ask you this. If you were a handgun owner, and your guns are serial numbered, and registered in your name, and you undergo daily criminal record checks just because you own a handgun, and the government can do a random inspection in your house and check that you still have your registered handgun in your possession at any time, and knowing that if your handgun ever turned up in a crime or property search by the police in possession of someone who is not supposed to have it, and that it would trace right back to you because it's registered in your name. Why in the world would you ever sell that gun to someone without the RCMP legally transferring that gun into the buyer's name? You wouldn't, that would be insanity to do so and risk years in prison for firearms trafficking, or straw buying. That would make no sense at all. Even if you were a less than ethical person(which gun owners in this country are actually statistically proven to be more law abiding citizens than people who don't own guns by the way), you would still not risk this. So your idea that this site is spreading undocumented handguns into the streets is just moronic on your part. You seriously look like a complete fool by making that statement.

Your statement that gunpost.ca is owned by the same people as TownPost, again, false, and proves you have no idea what you are talking about.

And your point that the site has no further use for this site, again foolish, and proves you have no idea what you are talking about. There are currently over 7,600 LEGAL guns posted to this site. Plus thousands of other items that are not guns posted to this site. This site is the most utilized site for buy and sell in this niche in Canada to this very day. Again, you are a straight up liberal fool. Congrats

Thumbnail of user lynn.gehring59
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July 1st, 2023

Gun Post is a great site. The People that run this site are on top of things and very responsive. I have been a member of Gun Post for several years and highly recommend Gun Post.

Thumbnail of user evank187
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January 23rd, 2024

Most members are a pleasure. Admins respond quickly and help as best they can. Illegal activity gets idiots banned. Pretty simple PAL required to biy non restricted and theres a freeze om restricted. Been a member years.

Thumbnail of user bl560
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August 22nd, 2023

Abusive owner & moderators

Attack customers when they have issue or questions.

Now are manipulating online reviews on trustpilot, wonder why they got kicked off google reviews?

These so called "humans" are a disgrace and definitely do business elsewhere


Look below and you will see the owner being his authentic self, go check out trustpilot, read his responses to customers that had legitimate issues.

I'm a scammer? I've got more and better rating on your own website than you

Tip for consumers:
beware of scammers and abusive owner and staff

Thumbnail of user andrep193
GunPost P. – Gunpost.ca Rep

You are clearly one of the scammers that we have had to kick off our site.

You're other comments are completely foolish. Do you care to tell me how we are as you say "manipulating online reviews on trustpilot"? If our legitimate users(not scammers like you) are leaving us reviews, how are we manipulating that?

And for your other moronic question "wonder why they got kicked off google reviews?". Guess what Einstein, we were never on Google reviews... You can't get kicked off something that you were never a part of...

Thumbnail of user jiml1538
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January 4th, 2024

I was a member for 2 years with enviable feedback from 20 transactions. Recently, I had a legitimate dispute concerning a listing that expired after 90 days that I renewed exactly as it was originally listed, but, to my astonishment it was later refused because it was listed in the wrong category. All this, after 90 days of approved listing.
I communicated my dismay to the moderator for their pettiness in this matter, which, at the age of 81 and with limited faculties I would have to relist the item.
The moderator, doubled down, as does incompetent and petty people do when faced with making a logical, common sense decision.
This site will remain marginal until such time it has competent, common sense, employees with sound judgement.
Sincerely, First Settler

Tip for consumers:
The feedback from GUNPOST conveniently missed the point. It accepted my ad for 90 days, but upon renewal of the IDENTICAL AD, in the same category, it was declined for the stated reason it was listed in the wrong category. GunPost DID NOT inform me of the so called "correct category".
The facts is the moderator is a person, with little to do, but harass reputable members with pettiness in exercising his authority.

Thumbnail of user andrep193
GunPost P. – Gunpost.ca Rep

Yes, if your ad is in the wrong category, it will get declined with an email letting you know what needs to be corrected. When things are posted in the correct category, that keeps the site organized so that buyers can find what they are looking for. Which helps both the buyers, and the sellers. If they search what you have to sell, and it's in the wrong category, guess what... they won't find your ad...

You get a simple correction notice and you email in fuming and calling us names, guess what, we are going to tell you to take a hike. Keep in mind that nobody knows your 81. And even still, you can't keep stuff posted in the wrong category or be a royal a-hole even if you're 101. We don't tolerate a-holes on this site. So good riddance.

Thumbnail of user stevenamccann
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March 28th, 2023

I have been left with a very negative impression of this website due to an arrogant, unprofessional, and accusatory moderator following a general inquiry I had made. While experiencing technical difficulties, I was blocked from the website. When I inquired about this the moderator was rude and undermining. This stands to tarnish the reputation of the website. Thankfully, there are many other platforms to utilize. I would steer clear of any organization run as poorly as this one for my own safety when dealing with such serious types of transactions.

Tip for consumers:
Just avoid the website. Frankly, it isn't worth your information being compromised by corrupt or unprofessional moderation.

Thumbnail of user andrep193
GunPost P. – Gunpost.ca Rep

We simply told you that you can't make a 2nd account. Especially when you posted ads to your last account, and then abandoned it, ignoring dozens of people who messaged your ads wanting to purchase for weeks on end, and leaving your ads up.

Guess what, simple solution would be to have emailed us and explained that. Rather than making a new account. Or, just telling us that when you made a new account.

We are obviously not going to allow a person to just keep making new accounts and spamming our site with ads that they won't respond to. We care about the users on the site do our job to prevent spam etc.

If you had explained that, rather than taking personal offense to the fact that we care about our users and don't want them to experience this kind of inconvenience created by your actions, we would have obviously helped you out one way or the other, and just asked you to make sure that you contact us if you ever got locked out of your own email address again, and we could help you find a solution.

No apologies from us on this one. This was all on you and the way you handled it. Try not to be so over emotional in the future. Most things are pretty easy to deal with in life if you don't get emotional instantly and take offense to someone simply answering your question.

Thumbnail of user mohamadh51
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October 6th, 2023

I have many 5 stars reviews, and I have been dealing with the site for more than 2 years without any problems. Today, and without any problem or warning, the admin decided to block my account! I eamiled the admin, they don't bother to reply. The site itself is awesome site to buy and sell, but it deserve more mature people to handle the site. And as I mentioned in my reviews the management of this site are hilarious, and I think the one in charge named Andre. They are low class and making fool of themselves. I had absolutely no problem with them and with other members, but only in their psychopathic head I had problems. Andre man go check Psychiatric for your wellbeing!

Thumbnail of user andrep193
GunPost P. – Gunpost.ca Rep

Hilarious how bad this guy lies actually. To say he has been using the site with no problems is the funny part.

Either way, he gave us a bad review back on Trustpilot back in Dec. Of 2022. So we've already been over this and he is more than FULLY aware of what the issue is and I guess it being Saturday night when he started trying to post again like nothing happened and pretending he didn't know why we wouldn't approve any ads, may have had something to do with drinking considering this was a Saturday night, then his demons got irrigated and started looking for a fresh fight.

Either way, this was our response to his review on Trustpilot nearly a year ago now. See copy and paste below:
"So what actually happened here is that there was already instances in the past where this so-called "friend" of Mohamad here(who we won't name since he is not part of this review) and Mohamad's ads got flagged as scams by another user because he was looking at buying the same type of item from both members, and they both sent him additional photos that were the exact same photos.

Upon further information from this "friend", he explains to the buyer that he owns a gun shop and that he and Mohamad are partners, and that's why they are both using the exact same photos.

So at that time, we flagged both accounts as business accounts rather than personal.

Upon hearing out Mohamad and him explaining that they are not business partners, we put his account back to a free personal level account.

Months later we get reports from a very well trusted source who knew absolutely nothing of this past. But rather someone else wondering why this "friend" of Mohamad was using the exact same photos on ads he was trying to post on this other buy and sell site as what Mohamad had on GunPost.

The answer from this "friend" was that Mohamad was "my salesguy" who "posts my ads for me".

Once we got that, and realizing that we apparently had been lied to last time we changed his account back from a business level account to a free personal account again, we put him back to a business account.

And yes, we were not beating around the bush about it, which apparently makes us rude according to Mohamad.

If this "friend" of Mohamad is lying about this business relationship over and over again, even months later, and Mohamad is actually not an employee or partner in this gun shop. Then Why does the gun shop owner use the same photos as what Mohamad is using to post on GunPost?

Meanwhile we got about a dozen emails from Mohamad gaslighting us saying that we owe him an apology, and that we have no evidence of these accusations...

Well, if the above is no real evidence, I don't know what is. Somehow we are the bad guys in this..."

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GunPost P.
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18 reviews
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