Ira's Peripheral Visions

Ira's Peripheral Visions

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The lady on the phone sounded unwilling to do her job, but I ignored this due to the prices.

She sent me the proof of the invitation card, I asked her to change something and she did it with no problem.

Then she sent me the second proof over the email, I double checked it like three times very carefully and everything was perfect.

Was good till that point, but wait, when I got the cards they had my parents last name spelled wrong! I am not sure how this happened, because when I checked the proof it was perfect.

Then I went back to my email to check the proof again, and there was the mistake. It was like magic, first there was no error and then it appeared out of no where.

This is rude of her, since I spelled my last name to her very clearly over the phone.

Besides the embarrassing error, on top of everything the color and quality of the cards didn't look anything like they were portrayed on the website.

I could deal with bad quality invitation cards for my wedding, but wrong last name I will not forgive or tolerate.

Stay away from this business, because I think the lady went back and changed the proof on purpose. The proof was an online HTML document which can be changed anytime. So if they make a mistake in printing, they probably go back to the document and change it, and then you as a customer can't fight your way through this.

Stay away! Go to a place where they have an office, and where you can actually see the cards before you get them in the mail.

Date of experience: April 30, 2012