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Madrid USA Consulate sends their visas using MRW courier "service". However, MRW won´t deliver it to you (believe it or not), they won´t call you to tell you they have a courier for you. You have to become desperate for the lateness, call the Consulate (a few times, if you please, don't expect to be let in the first time) and then be told "Oh, but we sent you your visa a week ago, check with MRW at this phone". You'll find your docs alright if you go there and you´ll have to pay 50$ for the service!
Not only that happened to me, I lost a flight and the MRW personnel had the guts to say they had no obligation to phone me (and they got my phone from the Consulate) to tell me where they had the document! They have also not answered my official request for refund of my flight ticket they made me loose. So watch out, you can be really boned even if you are not their client".
Ah!, I also noticed the www.mrw.es won´t work because it redirects too much. You have to enter through other specific links. Done on purpose? Guess, be a psychic!

Date of experience: September 23, 2015