This is truly a web host that I can recommend if you're looking for a good plans with a low price-tag. I have a fairly small website just a few pages and it has almost never been down and the site loads fast. It's really enticing for me.
Fantastic host with fully-redundant network and inexpensive prices! I've never experienced any downtime or issues with my personal website yet and I've been with them for a long while. The updates are great and features are amazing. Recommend!
I have been an Owned-Network customer for a long time and want to say that their service has always been great and flawless. Their tech staff has always been knowledgeable and friendly and know what they do. They are helpful to Linux gurus and casual users alike. As such, this is one of the few services I'd recommend to true power users.
They are incredibale. I've left my former provider to this company because I was really disappointed about it. Now I'm proud to be a customer of them. Servers are well-balanced and network is fully-redundant. They also offer a wide range of server locations and it's rather suitable for me. And prcies are also attractive. Professional and effective service from these guys, brilliant communication they provide! My questions have been answered immediately.
I don't have much experience with web hosting, however, these guys are pretty good when it comes to making things easy for you. They are very good at explaining things. I'm very happy I have chosen this hosting provider.