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January 6, 2025

We went in there to buy a mattress that would help me sleep better. I have severe back problems and needed a good mattress that will last a long time. The salesman said a Stearns and Foster was the best mattress on the market today. The one we wanted had to be ordered and when it came it had a hard ridge in the middle. Both my husband and I thought it would relax over time. After about 6 or7 months it was still there so we went in,explained the problem to the owners wife and was told we could exchange it for another one. So we went ahead and ordered another Stearns and Foster one. When we bought the first one us was around $3200. When we traded the first one in I noticed that the store only gave us a credit of $2850. About a month or two after receiving the second mattress the ridge in the middle appeared again. So, we went back to Romaines, they were very apologetic and said we could pick out another mattress. This time we did not go with a Stearns and Foster but did find a Sealy Posterpedic. So far so good. The Sealy mattress was only $1400 so we got credit for the rest. For Christmas we bought one of our grand daughters a new bed to use up some of the credit we had, secretly hoping she would use it all but didn't. We now have a credit of $733. I called Romaines to get a refund explaining that we do not need anything else from their store and they said they do not give refunds! When I questioned them about why no refunds the salesman I was talking to said that when they have to send a mattress back to the manufacturer they are charged a 20% restocking fee and instead of charging their customers that fee, they give them the credit. What about the 10 year warranty on Stearns and Foster mattress? And really, is the manufacturer really going to restock a defective mattress? I call BULLSHUT to their no refund policy! To some people $733 does not seem like a lot of money, but to us it is. And don't mention all the interest the store is making on our money. If this is their store policy maybe they should start telling their customers that before a sale.

Date of experience: December 21, 2024