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I've been a member of Viewbug over two years. Some photos are great, but many are as bad as they get. Viewbug was pretty good when it was free. Once they began charging the $60 membership, it began rolling downhill like a rock. Viewbug did not allow pornography, but now appears to condone it, which has driven a multitude of members away.

Contests rarely have cash prizes anymore. It's cheap stuff like Viewbug t-shirts, camera straps, etc. Worst of all, most winning photos range from no good to really bad.

There are no instructions. I've spent many hours teaching new members how to get around in Viewbug. Viewbug patronizes by saying they will come up with instructions. They began promising this over a year ago. Truth be known, it is the most secretive site I have ever seen. Viewbug sneaks in changes to benefit themselves.

One positive thing I can say about the site is most members are nice. I've made over 300 friends on the site. Many have complaints, but have already paid their membership fee. Some leave anyway.

It would be wonderful if I could brag on Viewbug. Sadly, in all honestly I cannot. Would not recommend.

Date of experience: December 20, 2011