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Shady Business Tactics
December 7, 2024

I've spent over $1k with these borderline criminals and it's been mostly a headache.
They only allow their licenses to be used on 1 computer at a time when you buy their "perpetual" licenses.
Here's the kicker - If you want to be able to use any program on more than 1 PC at a time (which music producers always do, and companies sell licenses accordingly - allowing 2 uses at a time.) then you have to have the "waves update plan" that costs you annually.
The more plugins you have, the more expensive it is.
They want $250 from me every year to avoid the massive inconvenience of transferring licenses back and forth or using a stupid flash drive iLok headache device.


That doesn't even touch upon how a couple years ago, they tried to change their business model to subscription only, hiding future updates for programs you already paid full price for to have a "perpetual" license.
The community was in an uproar and they swiftly backtracked their move and have been trying to recover their image since.

Don't believe the BS marketing of deep sales to pull you into their highly constrictive ecosystem.

Waves.com can kick rocks. Their competition has better plugins anyway, for similar, if not better prices. And you actually own 2 licenses, perpetually.

Date of experience: December 7, 2024