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on 6/23/15I bought a product for167 $. The seller shipped me a cheap (price approx: 60 $), low end, wrong product (not the product that I ordered). The seller proposed me to keep the wrong product with 20 $ refund OR to send back the wrong product (with tracking details, that I have to pay with my money = 73 $) with full refund (when the product arrive (if?) to the seller)... DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY with Aliexpress!
Asian size it typically two sizes smaller then normal. However reputable stores will tell you exactly how to measure your feet to get the proper fit. That being said there are a lot of scammers and knock offs on there so be careful. Generally China isn't as known for making name brand shoes but they have some good brands of their own. Just be careful and do your due diligence on the stores. Check feedback and reviews.
All the shoes I've ordered fit perfectly and have been great quality. So far i have 7 pairs from aliexpress. But as always its a risk. If you order a show for 20-25$+ dependong the style you should expect a pretty good quality shoe for your price but if you pay $10 or less don't expect much. A lot of people think you should get high end quality for that price and its just not possible. As always look at reviews. No reviews don't risk it and under 98% satisfaction forget I'm look for 98%+ with tons of reviews and possible real photos in reviews :) hope I could help!