Is this website trustworthy?
Asked by Irfan Q. on 4/23/2015
17 Answers
Leah S.4/23/2015
In my opinion. NO. I had to jump through hoops and make reports and threaten to make reports, it didn't help. I got my order, but couldve gotten the same thing from ebay faster and easier.
Ben L.4/23/2015
THis site is merely a showcase for many different sellers. Ali doss not sell directly but presents sellers wares in an attractive functional method Which enables Chinese businesses to sell directly to people in the rest of the world
Where it falls flat is in its (aliexpress) express or implied ability to police their vendors. There is a great disparity between what they say they can do to protect consumers and their actual enforcement of fair play for the consumer. In my experience I have received fake goods with no recourse sooo...
I would look at purchasing on Ali as a gamble. You may or may not get the goodsvyou expect but chances are any goods that are licensed goods in the US and carry a high price tag to boot will be fake. And in the case of software, at least, may or may not work... what I bought did not.
A good rule of thumb is to spend only what you can afford to lose and try to only buy from sellers with a lot of sales(that is hard to determine as most/many of the ratings are easily seen-thru fakes and shill posts. Let the buyer beware!
Where it falls flat is in its (aliexpress) express or implied ability to police their vendors. There is a great disparity between what they say they can do to protect consumers and their actual enforcement of fair play for the consumer. In my experience I have received fake goods with no recourse sooo...
I would look at purchasing on Ali as a gamble. You may or may not get the goodsvyou expect but chances are any goods that are licensed goods in the US and carry a high price tag to boot will be fake. And in the case of software, at least, may or may not work... what I bought did not.
A good rule of thumb is to spend only what you can afford to lose and try to only buy from sellers with a lot of sales(that is hard to determine as most/many of the ratings are easily seen-thru fakes and shill posts. Let the buyer beware!
aris t.4/23/2015
No. This site has sellers who are not trustworthy! Low quality, fake products, no warranty, extremely slow shipping.
Jacques S.4/23/2015
Not at all trust worthy, all my orders are stuck at one place and R3000 rands worth of refunds have not been made to me and there is no way to resolve it
ronald a.4/23/2015
I had to go through a lot to get my order corrected took almost 3 months. Terrible experience
Never again
I had to go through a lot to get my order corrected took almost 3 months. Terrible experience
Never again
Yaroslav B.4/27/2015
In the world there are no ideal people and ideal websites. What it means to trust the site or not? The site works, then performs its functions, provides the goods. So he should be trusted. And if the people who sell it, people are different and therefore the trust does not make sense. If you are satisfied in General for these variables the site you trust. If they are not satisfactory according to these criteria, we do not trust.It all depends on You, than you are willing to risk or not to risk it. The same thing that you go to the store and one you are lucky to buy a defective product, and all the rest high quality. You can trust this store?! ;) Sorry for bad English.
John B.4/23/2015
Stick to ebay. Bought trainers recently that turned out to be very very shoddy fakes for nearly $90. Only fit for the bin. Buying the real deal from a reputable seller for a few dollars more. I don't know if I'll see a refund from them. They're very slow refunding, IF they do refund.
Andrea N.4/23/2015
Comment above made me laugh as well as pretty much sums it up. "Spend only what you can afford to lose". I can't afford to "lose" money. And if those are the words used to describe aliexpress, that should be enough said, you will lose your money.
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