Questions & Answers

Why if I pay my bill in advance to att can I not get a refund when I canceled my service?

Asked by Cindy C. on 9/16/2017

7 Answers
C U.7/8/2020

Because they never really will cancel your service! They overcharge you and when you finally get a hold of them they still refuse to help.
David R.6/20/2020

They are thieves. ATT is the worst phone company I've ever dealt with. You may have to file a claim and take them to court
chris z.6/19/2020

Good luck with that. We've been trying to get refund for a dead relative for 7 months. Still under review.
CHRISTIE N.4/26/2023

How can 2 customer service people tell me I will get a credit, then now, after 3 months, they tell me that they don't prorate wireless plans? They prorated my landline account with no problem.
Terry M.1/12/2023

AT&T sucks. They just screw you out of your money...
Jeffrey L.8/26/2022

Because they are crooks and figure you will NOT pursue any legal remedy. If you refuse to pay they can simply report you to the credit reporting agencies, so they have you. The instructed culture of the company is to cheat and steal at all costs. Their contracts prohibit you from suing them and mediation is mandatory. I'd try that, however I'm not so sure the anti sue clause would hold up ultimately. Unless we, collectively, stand up to these crooks they will continue. They hide shareholder meetings to prevent you/us from appearing to cause a ruckus. They are afraid of BBB complaints for some reason. Use this to your advantage.
M R.12/30/2023

They will not refund advance payments, and I highly suggest you cancel the card provided for automatic payments, if applicable to you.

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