What to do if some one put a blast on ur name and phone numbers just to hurt you.

asked by josh m. on 4/25/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user sallyh20

First let me state that I am not a therapist nor anyone of the learned field of psychology. I have no insight to the issue. We have to realize that meeting people on these social sights we cannot be aware of their emotional state nor what of how, if anything we say or do will impact them. If you feel you have been unjustly characterized, I would say that you be the bigger person and publicly (in writing on the same site) apologize. I know you may feel you did nothing to deserve this and it may be true. I know you are concerned about the negative connotation this may associate to you, but sometimes we have to swallow the little things to move on to bigger things. Yes some may read and have a negative impression of you, but we don’t know both sides of the issue and mature intelligent people will be able to see that. After all, some may read your apology and see you in a different light. Just note that you did not intentionally wanted to leave the association in a negative manner, if it seemed as such, you sincerely apologize. There is no need to list the names of the individuals or write/contact the individual personally who are involved involved, for it is none of our business. Drop the issue, move on. It is only in big business during a hostile takeover that people’s lives are ruined. People read these and move on to the next day. Yes, get a new telephone number. Letting someone know of criminal activity of a person is if true is a safety and security issue to those on these social sites. Dehumanizing a person should not what we should be about doing. So good luck and keep moving on.

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Thumbnail of user sjr1

Based on my understanding of your question, how was the "blast" information obtained from you, your cell phone contact list or email contacts? Or is it based on social media links?... Do you have the ID information of the sender? Addressing this problem in the modern digital require more details..

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Thumbnail of user keyyss

My thought would be to change your number, name on the site and then download a free talk/text app and used that number instead of your personal number going forward.

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