asked by
on 3/23/11The tears flow, I have to put my little girl down I have only had her for 4mths, but we have bonded. Carolina Osorio took my money and sent me as I thought a beautiful healthy bulldog, Beautiful she is but not healthy, she had already had a stomach operation befor she left there. I took Syria to the vet as the Contract stated and the Vet, found Syria to have a overgrown mandable a hernia on her umbilical cord, dysplasia and at a later visit found that Syria had a parasite that she had contacted from her mother, this parasite buries deep into the skin and attacks the hair follicles and destroys them leaving the dog with bald spots. I have sent Carolina all this information and the vet reports, but she has taken no responsibily for this dog, just asks for more information, I had x rays taken for her also videos of Syria. I have asked this lady to give me permission to euthanize Syria, I can no longer watch her struggle to walk and I have to carry her up and down stairs. I am a retired nurse and Syria was going to be my buddy during retirement, I have followed the contract to the letter. But Carolina refuses to follow it, she has my money and I have a sick animal, I will have to wait for my pension check in order to put Syria down. Merry Christmas I dont think so, this lady lives off the pain off animals and the heartache of people. What would I like for Christmas I would like to see people to stop, to stop the suffering ther must be lots of pet lovers out there who can rally around and post DONT BUY FROM BULLCANES.NET please give me this gift. Marion