Why are they still in business. Don't we have any protection from scam and rip off?

asked by Thomas K. on 1/1/16

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user scottd66

Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they have a big money backer and can screw people of their money and lack of customer service? They should be called, I don't care.com

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Thumbnail of user dawnm61

At some point I truly believe a class action will be filed. Their "month subscription" truly doesn't mention it will be billing you every month. Why would I pay $240 for 6 months of a service I didn't use when the annual charge is only $143? It shows up in my online banking statements so innocuously it almost looked like my electric bill.

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Thumbnail of user julieh85

I've never been able to get a job from this site. I think a class action law suit should be started against them. They are definitely ripping people off

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Thumbnail of user reneeg11

Because they have a warning telling you to beware. No matter how legit something seems beware. Contact a local investigatory agency like your local news scam alert. I have and I'm waiting and hopeful that someone will expose this. Same way the Craig's list guy raped women they should beware for that happens here

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Thumbnail of user job227

Yes-caveat emptor!

Vote with your feet and wallet-by avoiding the site.


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Thumbnail of user esmeraldad

As long as there are unemployed girls that desperately need a job care.com will keep luring girls into their website, get them to spend the only money they have in hopes of landing a job, they could have 13 positions available most of them bad jobs that nobody wants and 700 hundred girls applying for the same position, they count on more and more girls siging up and they keep getting rich.

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Thumbnail of user barbaram86

Probably, but may be fairly difficult to prove. I believe there are numerous questionable/bad websites out there prepared to take your money. The last email i received from them I reported as spam.

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