Carnival Cruise Lines
Questions & Answers


Asked by BRIAN M. on 1/29/2019

1 Answer
LaShunda C.11/14/2022

To Whom it may concern,

This is my 4th email, that I have sent regarding a cancelled cruise. I have been cruising with Carnival for a little while now and really enjoy the trips I take. I was suppose to cruise out on October 22,2022 and because my elderly father was diagnosed with cancer, (I was informed today) the physician wants to get his plan up and going. I found it very disappointing that Carnival is deciding not to give me my money back. It doesn't have to be money, I asked for a credit to cruise later; I was told that couldn't be done. It is not fair that I'm having $1733.00 taken away from me. Life is hard and if I could be on that ship on October 22,2022 I would've without a doubt. I would like for someone to take a look at my concern, address my concern, and return my funds or allow me to use this as a credit in the future. I'm hurt by the diagnosis of my father and to learn that Carnival will not assist in my time of need is very stressful. My booking for this cruise is B4W1B8, my PIN is 2221. I will await a resolution to my concern. Please allow my money to be returned or give me credit for another cruise. $1733.00 is not easy to come by.
I can't imagine them being so greedy for money. I don't even want the money back, I just asked for a credit for a future cruise. I will take a cruise with Carnival in February 2023, I was told that someone would get back to me and I haven't received a call yet.


LaShunda Culclager


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