is this site legit

asked by callum m. on 7/13/17

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user heatherd261
Heather D.


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Thumbnail of user rods51

The good people get disgusted and leave, the trolls dominate and are protected by the moderators

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Thumbnail of user bobs591

No. It is a $#*! site with abusive users and mods. Plenty better sites out there

Helpful  (4)
Thumbnail of user juliad102

No, it's a Russian propaganda site, run by racist white supremacists.

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Thumbnail of user cellyl

Can attest for being attacked and banned for being anti trump and pro Obama

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Thumbnail of user stuartc96

Well, it was - most of their data they just take from public domain sources. But if you try to post a public domain images, they will ban you.
There were some decent people there - but, as others have said, their moderators (owner is not involved at all) have become unfriendly and unfair.
While it is true that all sites need moderation, their style gets rid of the better people and rewards the worst. Now the site looks like Craigslist Rants and Raves before an Election - that is, the same people posting horrible "anti-Hillary" and such rants over and over again. The mods allow this type of behavior and when they do erase a post or thread as being over the top, there is no penalty to the poster. But, as I said, if you use their tool (they have a linking icon on their menu) to link to a public domain chart you will be banned (suspended) for "copyright" infringement. Of course, it's impossible to have copyright infringement when the images in not copyrighted, but you surely can't appeal.

Helpful  (3)
Thumbnail of user ajshirle

Awful moderators who ban the decent members and let the bullies and troll stay. I got banned ladt night and have no idea why. Found out today = cannot log in. Their rules say they can do this.

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