Why would anyone want to participate in City Data forums when they could participate in thousands of other forums such as Reddit etc.? What does City Data have that attracts people? The only thing I can figure out is that the people who post there might not be aware of any other forums, but might have found City Data when they were googling for information about specific cities. But the erratic moderation seems like enough reason to me to not spend any time there at all, when that time could be spent on much better forums. Reddit has forums about cities, as one example of a much better forum website than City Data.

asked by Eric S. on 3/27/17

11 Answers
Thumbnail of user monicaw91

I'll give CD this much - you can find reasonably good information there concerning states and (as the name implies) major US cities. Unfortunately, many CD forums are run by mods who want to be kings or queens of their own little kingdoms to the point that they turn into the very bullies and trolls that they are supposed to be moderating their forums against.

There are a few forums there that are actually not bad - the retirement forum, the automobile forum, and a couple of the state forums like the Colorado forum (stay away from the New Mexico forum!). The POC forum drags the entire place down thanks to Ibginnie's erratic and heavily partisan moderation style. I have had my posts deleted because I used ONE foreign word in my post (TOS say you must use English only), or because I used the word "troll" just in passing.

Ibginnie couldn't care less if alt-right posters call people libertards or baby killers or commies, etc., etc. Recently, she allowed a thread about Hunter Biden supposedly being a porn addict who preyed on his own cousins, and the thread went downhill from there. And of course, QAnon conspiracy theories have the run of the board.

One of the other mods who I am friendly with told me that he hates the way Ibginnie operates and he can't understand why she is allowed to remain. I am seriously thinking of sending a link to sitejabber to the owner of the board, so that he can see for himself how destructive certain mods are to City Data's reputation (such as it is).

So, yeah. There's some wheat with the chaff, but the chaff can be overwhelming. Caveat emptor!

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Thumbnail of user lynns67

I like the formatting of the city-data forums. Reddit looks like a mess to me and hurts my eyes.

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Thumbnail of user bradd71

Monica is absolutely right about POS moderator Ibeginne over on the POS subforum on CD. She rules her board like a little fiefdom and is drunk on power over there. She banned me twice for 20 days and then currently 40 days for "trolling" for totally innocuous comments I made against no one, so that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I'm done with it. I was getting sick of the loonie far-right Trump supporters participants anyway. Maniacs who just post thread after thread blasting Biden.

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Thumbnail of user jayd448

City data forum like many other sites and places are moderated by complete $#*!. They will ban you if your post are slightly "offensive" in any way that go against whatever that current mod believe in. Those types of site mods like to exercise some type of virtual control since they probably have little to none over their personal lives. I can see why only a certain amount of posters remain and most if not all of them have a large post count each in the thousands meaning that is probably all they have. There's really not too much useful information on city data forum, most of them are just arbitrary ideas and loosly based opinions like some cult.

Btw city data mods get a grip damn snowflake wanna be tyrants peons lol

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Thumbnail of user onestr

Yes, city-data is a corrupt badly admined site. So is REDDIT, same deal-censor people for having opinions they do not like.

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Thumbnail of user maryc1044

Because Reddit sucks, and is no better than City Data. It also has ban happy mods that like to close threads that they don't agree with, especially when it comes to politics. It's the same thing on a more juvenile level.

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Thumbnail of user philb37

When searching city information for whatever reason city-data seems to be on top of the searches when searching by google. I have created my own forums and can't even get it to show up on google, so I would have to believe that they are paying for those spots on google.

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Thumbnail of user ajshirle

I hope CD goes downhill like Twitter and Facebook. Got banned without any warning or explanation but bullies and trolls get to stay.

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Thumbnail of user kyleh258

On Reddit nobody sees your post past the headlines. It's all phone idiots who can't see very well.

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Thumbnail of user juliad102

Reddit is great, I've been a redditor for a long, long time, have great, honest, enlightening discussions on a variety of topics, including locations I want to visit, never had a single problem with a mod.

City-Data is an Eastern-European owned and run propaganda site, where the mods and high-count posters are paid content generators and manipulators. There's nothing honest or good about it, and if you're posting, you're being used, your personal info and data are being sold and used in all kinds of nefarious ways.

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Thumbnail of user janr167

Anyone who is the slightest bit computer savvy knows about other websites and forums. Not the problem. The problem with City-Data is it's horrible users that troll to incite rage and are the ones who are there just to argue and name call. There are bullies everywhere, even on C-D. Maybe a few of the mods are drunk with power at first but they calm down eventually. It's not perfect but I've been there for many years now and caused problems with my opinions and got infractions and even banned but that was my own fault, I was behaving badly. You're allowed to have opinions, just not allowed to bully and insult other posters for theirs. Simply don't go there if you don't like.

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