Questions & Answers

Is this like ebay or more like penybids?

Asked by Jan W. on 2/12/2016

6 Answers
Linda S.2/12/2016

Not like Ebay, on ebay you can bid till you want to quit. Here you bid, bid, and bid, it end sometime... you don't really know when... someone may just quit and it is over, you have no choices. On ebay you can bid more... It is better to take your money and just go shopping and say this is a free day to buy anything I want and just spend what you have. I spent so many hundreds and got $15 worth of "Won" bids... so many times I was the second to last bidder.
Walker A.2/14/2016

It's a penny auction site. I've played for over 2 years now and I have won a lot of auctions, lost a lot too. Have to play like you would at a casino, only play with money you can do without. It's for fun with a chance at winning the prize.
Senora P.2/13/2016

You bid and bid and it costs each time. Most of those reviews are probably fake. Read zRebecca P s review. Why dhould you lose money just becsuse you lost the bid. Makes no sense. If you want to lose money then use it.
DealDash -.2/13/2016

Hi Jan,

For new users, I normally recommend watching our How it Works video for a brief overview of what to expect from the auctions:

DealDash has a 100% money back guarantee on your first bid pack purchase and a winning guarantee. If you decide to give DealDash a try and don't win an auction with your first bid pack we'll return the bids back to your account free for a second chance.

If you're still not satisfied with your DealDash shopping experience we'll be happy to refund your first bid pack purchase no questions asked. You can even keep any bids in your account or items you have won.

Giving DealDash a try is risk free!
Earl F.2/12/2016

DashDeal is a Penny Bid company. Their inventory of auction items is somewhat limited and it is very possible for a bidder to spend much more on the cost to bid than the winning bid of the product.
Rebecca P.2/12/2016

With Ebay it doesn't cost to bid. Each bid on deal dash costs you so if you lose you are out the bid money. Stick to ebay or just go buy what you need or want,

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