I have paid one hundred and 70 dollars for 7 bathing suits over a month ago, when I checked the progress my stuff went to Hong Kong then Cincinnati Ohio then to China... what?
I live in NJ. How do they get away with this?

asked by linda b. on 7/1/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user customerservicer1

Dear linda b.,
We wish to apologize for any inconvenience.
We are really sorry that you did not receive your order.
Please kindly send me a private message stating your order number or your account email address Here is link: http://support.dresslily.com/
Thank you for your continued patience and kind understanding.

Yours sincerely,
Dresslily.com Customer Service

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Thumbnail of user ashar4

Is dresslilly & twinkledeals are done by same people? Dresslilly are cheaters, they have promised refund but ended with no response. Never in my life i want to shop with them. Recently paid in twinkledeals but it directed to dresslilly, stay wawy from these guys.

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