asked by
on 7/21/15The correct thing to do is to email the seller and tell him you are not satisfied with the product and would like to return it for a refund. Most sellers will work with you. If after contacting the seller your problem is not resolved you than open a case with ebay that you the product is not satisfactory and you would like to return for a refund, Go to the seller first and give him a chance to make it right so it does not ruin his business.
You can always check the seller's return policy to make your return.
Ebay does not support buyers with buyer's remorse. If the product is defective or broken or significantly not as described (SNAD) you have a valid case. You can't just say you don't like it and get a refund. That being said, ebay most often sides with the buyer regardless.
Buyer beware. If the product is damaged or defective, that's one thing. But if you “don't like it,” that's another thing entirely. It really means that you have made a poor choice from the start. And while many sellers will work with you, who is paying the shipping fees? - Don't be surprised when it's you.
Ebay is a den of thieves, with ebay condoning all that goes on! Do not be fooled with paypal services being separate to ebay either, they are in stealing everyones monies. Use your credit card services, at least you have some pull with them to get your funds back!
I am an eBay seller, who works hard to keep any customer of mine happy.
You should be able to return with no problem with most sellers. You may need to check if they do accept returns. I know I do.
Do not expect very much from eBay, as they take their cut, but are seldom of any help to anyone... buyer or seller. Most of the dealers will work with you, but it is not a bad idea to set guidelines beforehand as to the time you have to look the item over.
As a seller I would hope that the buyer would contact me first and let me know what happened first, so that I could either rectify the problem with the item or refund the buyer's money back, following eBay's policies about returns-as a seller, my goal is to work with a customer and resolve problems or answer questions before they become big issues-more times than not, the seller will try to help you get it fixed or refund your money-it's not only your business he or she wants to keep, but their professional reputation as a seller is on the line too, and they don't want to mess that up by screwing their customers over-in short, contact the seller, be honest about what has happened, and see where it goes from there-if the seller doesn't help you or ignores you, then proceed to eBay and make a report-may not come to much, but it is better than nothing at all-hope it helps you
Just say it's broken and get it free like everyone else.