Hello i can't find book a return under order at all at farfetch

asked by Hassan S. on 8/2/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user farfetchc

Hello Hassan,

Thank you for taking your time to inquire about return.

I am sorry that the item did not work out for you, and that you have had trouble in locating the return menu.

After the order has been delivered, it may take a couple of hours until the status is updated on our system, and the return menu is activated in your account. I see that you have contacted our Customer Service department on this issue, and I am more than happy that we were able to assist you in initiating the return and scheduling a pickup.

Again, I offer my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this experience has caused you. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +213-550-3798 or +44 (0) 20 3510 0670. We are always delighted to help you.

We are glad to have you as a happy Farfetch customer.

Have a lovely day!

Kind regards,


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Thumbnail of user jennifern222

If you checked out as Guest, you're going to need to contact their customer service team to set up a return.

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