Questions & Answers

Can I have some reviews regarding press releases by fiverr

Asked by Tookie K. on 4/14/2015

11 Answers
L M.7/14/2015

I know I have to wade through a lot of questionable sellers to get a good one. Happy hunting. There are good ones out there though.
Becky H.5/29/2015

So who are the "good" ones on Fiverr?
larry d.4/14/2015

Fiverr up your rectum is more like it.
Robert D.4/14/2015

Fiverr is living proof you get what you pay for, I have had some luck paying $20 and up and getting good work. Some sellers are very good. The company is horrid.
Doris d.4/14/2015

Fiverr claims to be the leading company for finding good work for five dollars. They also received 15 million dollars in funding recently. However Fiverr as it turns out is a horrid company. The sellers who offr 5$ gigs are often rude and do shoddy work. Fiverr also does not refund you your money if for some reason you cancel a gig. The only refund fiverr gives is to give fiverr credits in the amount of the refund. Their Customer Service has no number to be reached at. And they also do not allow you to file a dispute with paypal or your bank if something goes wrong. If you file dispute they lock yoyr account and delete it. In my honest opinion this company should be avoided at all costs
Terry H.4/14/2015

As Martin O says... it is a facade. It is a site created to harvest credit card information. I had to forward a complaint to the FBI internet crimes division and contact Citi to have $800 in charges disputed, which occurred the exact hour that they took my cc info. Avoid at all costs.
Martin O.4/14/2015

Whatever Fiverr claims it will do is basically a facade for a rip-off artist.
Richard N.3/11/2019

I would advise people to stay away. My experience has resulted in refunds twice and the last time I should have refunded again. They don't return you cash and just give you credit so I had money on account to use up. Total waste of time.
Mo L.6/19/2015

Don't do it! You will not get paid. The company is a fraud and answers to nobody! They will never pay you
Joshua K.6/11/2015

I don't know about all these reviews. I am a daily Fiver Buyer and have never had an issue even one time with sellers

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