Questions & Answers

Recently, Walgreens refused to accept GoodRx. GoodRx has been so helpful for me so this is very discouraging. I decided to ask you directly if there is a contract with Walgreens as I feel this particular Walgreens seemed incompetent.

Asked by Lisa C. on 5/24/2016

9 Answers
Ervin S.5/27/2016

Have no experience with Walgreens. I've used Walmart several times with no problems. Suggest you switch if one is nearby.
travis c.5/26/2016

The Walgreens 2 miles away actually honored my coupon unlike the one a block away so I said no prob I'll go there. I think I just got a bad egg. However they did say some medications are under a kind of contract but mine wasn't so she couldn't understand why the other one was refusing it.
Clyde B.5/8/2021

How many of you who are having problems getting pharmacies to give you the GoodRx price and not charge you a higher price than the coupon says are African Americans? How many of you are Caucasians?
S d.8/26/2017

My Walgreens would not accept it. Told me their discount card better.
Bonard A.5/28/2016

I have used Good Rx coupons for several years now. I have to move from Walmart to Kmart to Walgreens and back to keep getting the best price, All 3 of these take the discount card/ coupons. If you look at Good Rx's info on their website, you'll find that the former CEO of the is listed as being on the Board. Walgreens was bought out by This may or may not have any bearing on whether your pharmacy will take them. I was in my Walgreens Athens, Al) yesterday with 3 scripts to be filled. Got great assistance and no problems with coupons. One was a controlled substance. Hope you get help.
GoodRx R.5/27/2016

If you have any questions, we're here to help - please email and we'll get back quickly. Pharmacists have the discretion to honor or refuse controlled substance coupons, but most of them (like 99%) will take them, which is why we list them (and indicate that they may not be accepted). Hope that helps.
Joan M.5/26/2016

I had luck with CVS after being refused by Walgreens. I had to put pressure on them. I was aware, after talking with the Good RX staff, that they had accepted coupons in the past. When I told them this, they accepted my coupon.
terri K.5/26/2016

Walgreens accepted the coupon. According to Walgreens the coupon was for the generic brand not the brand name. There is no generic brand for the prescription that I got. When Walgreens did run the coupon for the brand name, the price was more than I paid without the coupon. To me that is a total scam.
Anthony K.5/26/2016

I got a precription filled at a Walgreens in Columbus. I printed off the coupon, which did not work. But the GoodRX card worked okay. I never researched why the coupon failed to work. Did you try the 800 numbers for GoodRX assistance?

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