I am finding that when creating a head, the mouth is not in sync, when playing back it shows a black blank shape with the actually mouth below, I have tried several different setups with same results. Any advise?
Asked by Alan H. on 12/13/2016
2 Answers
Roberta W.12/16/2016
Unfortunately, now you can only edit your heads immediately after you upload them, which makes it a waste of time to save them because each head you upload will only work correctly for the video you uploaded it for. I was told they removed the 'edit any time' function so people could use their app on androids which sounds pretty absurd to me. Oh well, this will be the last year I ever pay for it again if they don't correct this outrage.
Holly S.12/17/2016
I thought the same thing about not editing the heads, but actually it depends on which video you use. If they aren't talking or singing, the video doesn't need you to edit the mouth parts. I loaded a bunch of faces (pets too) and then when I chose a video that had talking or singing, it let me edit the mouths then. So it did work for me then. I hope this helps.
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