Questions & Answers

How real are your gems

Asked by rosa f. on 4/17/2015

5 Answers
Rach M.4/17/2015

As a longtime shopper, I can vouch that the gemstones are real. If it's a lab-created version of more expensive gems (i. E. Lab Emerald, Lab Ruby, CZ, etc), the title & description will reflect that. Although quality control is hit & miss, I've tested/appraised hundreds of stones from JTV & haven't had any issues with authenticity. Their treatment disclosures are pretty good for the industry.
Might I suggest perusing eBay, too? Lots of resalers (like me) can offer better prices on legit stones & jewelry... plus you get the benefit of knowing your seller has already checked for cracks, chips, etc. To be safe, only buy from US sellers & ask questions to ensure they can respond with some knowledge about their goods.
Good luck to you!
-Rachel (SpenDen-Jewelry-4-College-Funds)
LENI S.4/18/2015

If your working for jtv. You will ber lying about everthng that is peddled on jtv, jtv does peddle fake stones for real stones. That is fact no fiction. A lab creates verson of a real gam stone. Is never. Never the verson of the real thing. Man can not recreate nature. Dident you read. All lab. Created things. Have to be cared for very carefully.? Read that. And stay away from lab. Created concuctions that are being sold at jtv. The real russian alexandrite. Has been lab. Created since before the 60th, fake colors. And most importanr. The fake and phony. Material. That labs. Use in trying to create. But jtv. Sells those fake plastic. Glass resin or whatever fale material to the costumer for the real thing. Even selling them as brasilian alexandrites. There is no such thing. Never was and never will. We believe jtv makes up their own fake names and put them on fake lab. Created concuctions. The real russian alexandrite is no more for many many years. Only about a handfull had the priviledge of owning on of those humble stones. I was one of the lucky ones. I had it set in a to high setting and after 2 month i lost the stone... because the are no more and only a few people owned or seen one of thoe real authentic russian alexandrite jtv takes it on themselfs to peddle those fake alexandrites for the real gem stone. Because the costumer does not know the differents. Between the the real and fake. The blue star saphire. Jtv peddles the fake bluestar saphire as the real bluestar saphire. Jtv. S are fake and phony. With thin long. White striped plastered all over that fake thing. From one end to the other. Even people who have no idea how a bluestar sapphire should look like should wonder just by looking at that fake bluestar sappire. And. Jtv. S fake bluestar sappire. Does not move. It is stationary. While in the real blue sapphire the star moves with every turn of the stone. A beautiful thing to watch. And the blue color is of. The same goes with the pink and the black star sapphire. The small beautiful star inside moves when the stone is moved. It never never stands still. Regardles of how you turn the stone. That is what jtv peddles. Fake stones for real stones. Then there is that fake sultanite, that suppose to turn in to beautiful colors depending on the light. The stone is layed in. Jtv. S sultanite... again. A fake stone. That jtv peddles for the real thing. And changing in to beautiful colors. This fake stone the call sultanite. Will never. Never. Never. Chasnge in to any other color. Never. It shows the only color it has. An unsighly grayish color. A fake stone peddled by jtv, costumers have been scammed again and again. We say. Stay away from jtv alltogether. Do not buy any jewelry. And a no no no for gems from jtv. You will be scammed 100%. I ordered from jtv long time ago. A ruby ring with diamond accsent. What i got. Was sponge coral. And no diamonds. Just a few pieces carved and highly polished to look like diamonds. It went back at once..
Jody W.1/20/2022

Oh my goodness I can't believe the people dissing JTV. And an employee that works for J TV please if you believe all these people I feel sorry for you. And I'm so sorry but the gentleman that thinks he's a gemologist is not. Is definition of a Star Sapphire is actually hilarious. You can take anything you buy and go have it appraised and if you don't like it they give you 100% of your money back. I have bought tons of stuff from them and have taken several things to have appraised for my homeowners insurance and everything I bought was well well worth much more than what I paid for it. Do your own homework. That's the best way. Good luck
Nicholas H.7/20/2015

I tried to sell them 100% real untreated Sapphires,, they wouldn't buy them
Martin M.4/28/2015

No, as an employee I can assure you we are told to lie and refer to CZ as a "simulant", while on the JTV website, the glossary states CZ is the "definition" of a synthetic. They claim that because CZ has a naturally occurring counterpart, it's a "simulant". CZ's naturally occurring counterpart is Zirconium Oxide, so CZ is a simulant of Zirconium Oxide, not a diamond. When it comes to simulants, JTV considers plastic, glass or anything shaped like a gemstone to be a "simulant". Come on... plastic is a synthetic. The company is skirting around definitions, but it isn't like JTV doesn't have a well-documented history of deceiving the public, including one very well-known class action lawsuit over the red Andesine Labradorite JTV sold as "natural" It wasn't, and JTV tried to pass the buck by saying it had "no known treatment". I ask you, with all the GIA folks and supposed "experts" employed there, no one could spot the treatment? The fact that the Andesine came from China is what tipped off the smart customers. What JTV sells as emeralds are really only beryls, emeralds have to have a certain density of green, and most of the emeralds they hustle are lighter than peridot. I work for JTV, but who educated me about the fabrications JTV spins? Knowledgeable customers. Educate yourselves and avoid JTV!

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